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With steroid problem solved, MLB tackles excess milk scandal

Hey, you gotta hand it to Major League Baseball when they decide to get tough, they get tough... with batboys anyway.

You see, the opposing baseball team's pitcher made a bet with the bat boy that he couldn't drink a gallon of milk in an hour without throwing up and.... well, you can't go around drinking that much milk. You could hurt yourself! Result: Batboy suspended for six games. Full story here

Quote of the week: "It's kind of ridiculous that you get a 10-game suspension for steroids and a six-game suspension for milk", said Dodgers pitcher Brad Penny.<P ID="signature">______________

"If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it." - Albert Einstein </P>
> Hey, you gotta hand it to Major League Baseball when they
> decide to get tough, they get tough... with batboys anyway.
> You see, the opposing baseball team's pitcher made a bet
> with the bat boy that he couldn't drink a gallon of milk in
> an hour without throwing up and.... well, you can't go
> around drinking that much milk. You could hurt yourself!
> Result: Batboy suspended for six games. Full story here
> Quote of the week: "It's kind of ridiculous that you get a
> 10-game suspension for steroids and a six-game suspension
> for milk", said Dodgers pitcher Brad Penny.

Oh for god's sake. Suspend the batboy? How about suspending the opposing pitcher for seeking out and encouraging the little rugrat to do something the opposing pitcher knew could be harmful (why he suggested it).

Or better yet--DON'T SUSPEND ANYONE. The kid's fine, he puked, end of deal.

Mind you--Penny's scum for suggesting it, but his steroids vs. milk suspension analogy is apt.

I think the batboys need a strong union like the MLBPA.
MLB and NBA are the only sports I follow anymore. Thanks for posting this story, because at the end of this season, if the White Sox don't win the pennant (not looking good lately, even though they are still the most winningest team) I will give up on MLB.

That leaves basketball -- even though it got kind of ghetto last few years, the argentinians and europeans are adding atouch of class. Unless we have another Detroit/Indy situation, then I'll give the NBA up as well.

My point is all the stupid things MLB does, I cant wait to stop being a fan.

It's kind of liberating when you stop watching sports. I gave up on the NFL a few seasons ago, and I actually enjoy my Sundays better!
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