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WGMR for sale, and the (lowball) offers are in!

One can only hope that someone files an objection to this two step effort to reduce radio competition. The "sale" of a forever property to 2510 Ass. brings to question how this transaxtion meets FCC ownership issues. The relation between those two parties is highly questionable. Galli is and or has been a business associate with owners of forever. Someone needs to look more closely at that. Where does 2510/Galli get the money to buy, who is really calling the shots at 2510. All appearances suggest that this is a method forever has used now and in the to skirt fcc ownership requirements. They have gotten away with this because it has not been challenged?

Less than a week after the above transaction was posted with FCC the purchase of GMR is posted. The first transaction is needed in order for the second transaction can possibly happen. Is the FCC truly interested in maintaining local radio ownership or is it willing to allow a few owners to monopolize radio for their own gain and to the loss of local communities such as State College?

Does anyone know if a private individual can file an objection to these sales or can only someone with a broadcast license challenge it?
To my knowledge, anyone can file a complaint with the FCC, especially involving any wrongdoing! ;)
I believe "Mod-Rod" Wolf did when WVAM/WPRR was sold to Lisa Cantrell, Kerb's daughter. The wicked witch from the east soon moved out of Rod's neighborhood as she was living right next door to the old broadcaster and Mrs. Wolf and Ms Logan were friends until this happened. Now, let's get back to the guy who carried the briefcase...
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