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Those new NBC radio commercials



Am I the only one who found the new NBC radio commercials utterly repulsive just seconds into the first time hearing them?
This "water cooler talk" style commercial doesn't sell NBC programming for me.
> Am I the only one who found the new NBC radio commercials
> utterly repulsive just seconds into the first time hearing
> them?
> This "water cooler talk" style commercial doesn't sell NBC
> programming for me.

Take the worst part of every craptastic morning show, throw it into a blender, force NBC talking points in front of them and a gun to their temple and voila! Repugnant. I have to listen to each one as I'm dubbing them in. At least sweeps is done this week and we'll have October off.
I'd like to give a big pat on the back to any sales manager/programmer whom refused to run them "as is".

They're very disconcerting and have sounded out of place every time I've heard them. When you're not expecting personalities, they are injected. When you are expecting personalities, it's the wrong ones.

I give props to the Peacock for effort, I actually do like the concept.

Unfortunately they get a "D" for execution.
> At least sweeps
> is done this week and we'll have October off.

Sweeps? Sweeps doesn't start till October/November.
This was the start to the new TV season!
(Which NBC treats more and more like a sweeps period).
> > At least sweeps
> > is done this week and we'll have October off.
> Sweeps? Sweeps doesn't start till October/November.
> This was the start to the new TV season!
> (Which NBC treats more and more like a sweeps period).

Well, really, what do you expect? They're 4th in prime time, "Joey" is nowhere near the big hit they wanted it to be, all the good sitcoms (with the exception of "Will & Grace", which is ending this season) are on other networks, their summer reality shows all but bombed, "The Biggest Loser" isn't doing as well as it did last year, and their dramas, in my opinion, are languishing in the "yep, we're still here" mode of operation. I don't have high hopes for "Three Wishes", "Surface" or "Inconceivable". I don't believe all the hype about "The Office" (the numbers will determine whether or not that's a breakout hit, not the critics NBC likes to quote), and "My Name is Earl", while entertaining at times, isn't all that great.

The only things NBC has going for them right now are both versions of The Apprentice, the late-night lineup and their news operation. With a network struggling that badly, wouldn't you overhype the premieres as if it were sweeps?

Post 939 dedicated to WLVE, Miami. I Love 94. No, really, I do. I grew up listening to it.<P ID="signature">______________
"Get educated. Read stuff on the web and believe all of it."
-- Phil Hendrie
> I give props to the Peacock for effort, I actually do like
> the concept. Unfortunately they get a "D" for execution.

Funny, I'd say the opposite. As most everyone else here says, the concept is forced coolness from what's supposed to be a "young" dialog whose script probably had to be approved by people too old to grasp how uncool it was.

That being said, I think the actual execution is quite good. That is, the rat-a-tat-tat dialog is overlapped and timed so that your ear catches just the right words and phrases you're supposed to.

As someone who's done years' worth of intricate audio editing, I hear a very good job being done in that regard. I'd bet these spots were not done in real time, that the performers did a lot of takes on individual mics and tracks, and that in post-production the timing was assembled line by line.

So yes, the cuteness is annoying. But judged purely as a complex audio production, each of these spots I've heard is done very well.
> The only things NBC has going for them right now are both
> versions of The Apprentice, the late-night lineup and their
> news operation. With a network struggling that badly,
> wouldn't you overhype the premieres as if it were sweeps?

I know this should be covered in the TV forum, but actually, The Apprentice: Martha Stewart is considered a major bomb right out of the gate (look at the ratings themselves). Her syndicated talk show isn't doing any better, either. Plus, ratings are once again down on Trump's Apprentice.
> > The only things NBC has going for them right now are both
> > versions of The Apprentice, the late-night lineup and
> their
> > news operation. With a network struggling that badly,
> > wouldn't you overhype the premieres as if it were sweeps?
> I know this should be covered in the TV forum, but actually,
> The Apprentice: Martha Stewart is considered a major bomb
> right out of the gate (look at the ratings themselves). Her
> syndicated talk show isn't doing any better, either. Plus,
> ratings are once again down on Trump's Apprentice.

At the time I posted, I hadn't checked, but you're right. Those aren't doing all that well now either. So about all NBC has is the news and late night. Pretty bad.

Post 945 dedicated to 94.5 WGBT, Greensboro... because they're doing pretty poorly, just as I'd expected. They came into a market where WJMH has dominated for years... and still do... what did they expect?<P ID="signature">______________
"Congratulations to Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, they had a baby yesterday. Spears said he sleeps 18 hours a day and so does the baby.
-- Conan O'Brien
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