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gargoyles said:
Mr Mic: if you want to take this conversation private, instead of railing about hiding behind screen names, why don't you publish your e-mail address. Here's mine: [email protected].

Advantage: no moderator to censor you. Disadvantage: No self promotion opportunities to help grease your way back to central PA when the suburban Boston station decides you're the wrong ham for their sandwich.

Gar...I am not greasing my way back to HV. If the station I am at now decides I am the "wrong ham for their sandwich", I will find a job based on my talent and experience, which, according to John Harlow, is nothing...I guess ;D

Here is my email address glenturner515 (at) yahoo.com.
I am glad to make everyone happy.

Enjoy the Sox Glen. I was glad to see Manny report today.

Schilling for Senate.
If nothing else, I think Joe deserves a pat on the back for bringing to the surface an event that may have otherwise gone overlooked by the "townies". Sure if you are a student, Thon is your life, but how many of the locals have any reasonable clue at any time what events are going on right under their noses at the campus. I am sure that Joe's involvement was only a drop in the bucket when looking at the scope of a student run organization collecting over 5 million for the kids, but even if they helped Thon raise an extra $1.00, isn't that worth it? This is what the very fundamentals of radio are supposed to be all about...giving back to the community. In my heyday, we did it very well. We were everywhere at everything. At events like Thon every radio station showed up and for those few brief hours, it did not matter that we were competitors. We were there for the people of the community.

Sadly with media downsizing, consolidation and the fact that many stations are running with very few staff in the building at any one time, its not always possible to get out on the streets like we all used to in the "good old days". But when someone is crafty enough to pull it off, they deserve our respect.

Great Job JOE!
Geez, I turn my back on the board for a couple of days to return and see that the gravitational field of the Planet Stupid sucked in most if not all of this thread.

See if you can follow the logic of the following. Read slowly if you have to, there will be no crayon version available:

Thon made an extra million $$ this year because the University opened up a larger venue for the event and the kids busted their behinds. Again. As usual. They did it because their hearts are in the right place.

The kids also got out there beyond the local community and pulled in donations from alumni and alumni chapters all over the planet. People who haven't been in Happy Valley in 20 years or more opened their hearts and their wallets because these kids asked. Trust me, the amount of money that comes into this event from out of town (and even out of the country) would really blow your mind. This isn't a local event anymore, hasn't been in a long, long time. Its a Penn State event that reaches far and wide. The Penn State community reaches from the 50 yard line at Beaver Stadium all of the way to low earth orbit and trust me, THON is known and understood every inch of the way and is pulling in contributions from every point along that path.

Joe FM did what it could and undoubtedly helped the bottom line but media participation in this event is rather a constant so one radio station over another isn't going to bring in an extra million bucks (and yes one of you were trying to push that conclusion).

Sorry to see that the Rush Limbaugh school of rhetoric has invaded the thought processes of so many. If you think for a second that anything I've posted here was to diminish what the kids did again this year or what every dime of what they raise goes to its possible that the driver tube in your cranial cavity has gone dark.
Your opinion is yours. I made the post to compliment another group of broadcasters. Some folks took the opportunity to attack others, to self promote and to attack the idea that radio just is not important. Get in another business if you believe that. We dont agree. I assure you I understand what you profess as the only truth. I just dont share your idea.

I suggest that the "kids" did great. I suggest ALLl the others involved did also. THON was a success and everybody involved helped and deserves to feel good about how much they have helped.
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