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Has anyone here had any dealing with these people and actually sent any money ? I sent an email query about rates for a mico caster...which i would be considered as, under their determination..and got back a pdf file about ADOBE...which i can not comprehend> All i asked was how much under these conditions...two nights per week, total of 16 hours, no more than 25 to 50 listeners..and no revenue..strictly a hobby enterprise out of the basement..the rate was a flat annual fee of 500.00 per year..seems reasonable to me..about 10,00 bucks per week..but couldn't understand the pdf file on how to pay...or what doc i would get to prove i paid in case ustream or whatever site questioned my show...anyone dealt with them in any type of web cast endeavor ??? thanks
I've not dealt with Sound Exchange directly. I find that license providers like LIVE365, SWCast or LoudCity make it a much more enjoyable process than trying to contact all the different entities to make my self legal.
I didnt like live 365 they kept de listing me saying I was in possible violation of DMCA rules, which I was NOT.. If you play a DJ Mix set with Various artists in Deletes you,, If you air a live sporting event it deletes you... I tried being legal and it didnt work, so I finally rented a server from Centova Cast, and also one for backup at wavestreaming. I just said heck with it and GEOBLOCKED the USA, and broadcast and target countries that dont have rules. Technically any station that can so much as b e streamed here,, it dont matter if its in India,, its subject to USA streaming rules. thats why the UK geoblocked all of their stations.
license providers like LIVE365, SWCast or LoudCity i'm familiar to some degree with these services...do any of them support video as well as audio streams? The biggest reason I use Ustream is the video part...for some crazy reason :p...my listeners want to watch me do the show live, as well as comment on the chat board...practically everyone on there knows everyone else and it's a way to catch up with friends ...some of which are hundreds of miles away.i get polite complaints if i turn off the video stream on the show :'(...lol..are there other streaming services that work the way Ustream does...and provide royalty coverage ??
I don't believe the license providers I wrote about handle video. However, if the video is of YOU, then there is no copyright involved. :)
Thats why i dont use Ustream cause they want Video Video Video,, im a radio station,, what am I supposed to do when I broadcast 24/7 when I sleep at night,, leave the lights on and let them watch me sleep. I guess its ok if your decent looking and your not 24/7,, and if I had a hot girlfried to set on cam with me I would consider ustream again. For now I use Wavestreaming,, 10 dollars a month,, and just Geoblock the US from your website, they can still listen on shoutcast and its legal. http://public.wavepanel.net/22SN1IIAEP14HZ/listen/pls and that link works in the U.S cause it is the backdoor link. Go Ahead and use live 365 if you want to keep getting delisted.
all you have to do is uncheck the video and you can do audio all you want on ustream..do not have to use the video at all if you dont want to..no one is more amazed than i am that my audience WANTS to see me sitting here and running the board..and complains loudly if they can not see me. no im not photogenic at all :eek:...damn near sixty yea..i've held up pretty well...lol...but not what i would think people want to see...i sit here ...run the board, drink beer, chat with the audience..and have a grand old time..now if i can just figure out how to make some money of this... ;D
Holey Moley! Five hundred dollars a year? They should be paying YOU for providing content!
The exposure you give artists is worth at least 10 times that much.

I'd love to be able charge a dime for every spot I run for major corporations who are still in business and receive
FREE commercial time on my station, but I feel radio without jingles and spots is just dead sounding, so I run my favorite and fun spots for free.

The businesses and corporations which are long gone? Well, I run those out of respect for having produced
wonderful commercials.

This is why I can't ever see running a stream on the internet. They've got the whole thing backwards.
twelve bucks a week doesn't sound like much to cover royalties to me...and my format is rock/top40/whatever you want to call it from 1963 through 1993..so who knows IF any of that money gets to the actual artists assuming they are still above ground...i was just wanting to CMA in case someone ever asked about my stream...i have about 500 vintage commercials i run at spot breaks at 20/20..things like mr norms grand spalding dodge, boyce and hart doing coke,kent cigarettes..etc..seems to me some savvy ad guy would approach coke,pepsi,budwieser..and say hey heres a show with all the old tunes, as well as the ACTUAL spots from that era, lets throw him some money..lol ;D...but with an audience of only 100 or so...guess it's not a very smart buy.. ;)
Your format of 60s through 90s CHR ROCK sounds appealing to me, whats the name of your stream and I will check you out, just email me when you go live and ill get on and chat with you.. ANYWAY Back to Ustream,, my format is Dance, and World Music from Latin American, Middle East and Africa, and people would complain on video when i smoked a ciggarette or anything else, and I had to leave the room to so much as change my shirt,, and your right, people complain when you dont run video and typically wont watch.. So tell me, how do you get so many viewers, I could only get a couple 2 or 3, and they wouldnt stick around long due to me being old and bald,, having no girl online, and my wide mixture of music... Im only 30, but im still old and bald,, Ustream has a mostly teen and preteen audience, and if you read the rules,, music streams with copyrighted music can be banned and reported to local law enfourcement cause internet radio even if its not on FM is still considered Pirate Radio if your not paying royalties,, thats why I target latin America,, Africa and Middle East,, I even tend to get alot of US troops in Iraq and Afghan the listen to me, and use stream ripper to record my stream so they can listen out in the field. Only the US UK and Netherlands has internet royaltie,, so GEOBLOCK them from your website, and they can still listen on shoutcast and its legal for 10 bucks a month for 15 listeners at a time.
Ustream changed its screenshot some within the past week..i used to put the cursor on the number of "current" viewers and see a running total of people that had checked out the show ..on any given night that total would be 100 to 125 or so over the six hour span...i usualy have at any given time somewhere between 10 and 20 listeners...about half will log into the chat board..the rest just listen without logging in... http://www.ustream.tv/channel/chuck-lundi-s-rock-box here is the link...just a 60 year old guy with 40 year old music...lol dont let the lights and camera throw ya....and please dont throw the camera and lights...show starts at six...i usualy have aroud 3 or people there..and as the night progresses more log in as it gets later..usualy after dark at this time of year when they are all outside...especially on a holiday weekend..and it's football time so i have to compete with that on sat nights as well..im just out of nashville so University of Tenn and vanderbuilt games are big draws this time of year...strange as it may seem...i did a memorial day show back in may and had over 200 people check in...thought that was strange for a holiday...
ok guys..a big old lightbulb exploded over my head today about this sound exchange bunch..they tell me i can pay 500.00 per year as a micro caster..all i do is fill out the form, and send in the moola...but..just how the hell do they know who to distribute the money to?/ how do they know what artists i played over the course of the year ?? am i missing something..how do live 365, and the other internet stations do this..do they have to send a list of artists to sound exchange? i know when i was on real radio back ion the 70's..once per year we did "logging for BMI" as that was who the station was aligned with...from sign on til sign off..we wrote the time we played the song, the artist and who wrote it..turned that in to BMI,,and they somehow magically formulated who got how many cents per play..along with the juke box, plays, and other mechanicals in their formula..so at lest THEY did have a list of tunes to actually disperse royalties. this sound exchange thing just started to stink to me...i smell scam..or am I really MISSING something ??? REALLY CURIOUS...
I smell it too. I play so many obscure artists' music. Just who will figure out who are the descendants of the members of the
"Blue Steel Orchestra" from the late 1920's to make sure that every time I play "Sugar baby I'm leavin you" that the appropriate
people are played?

What about the descendants of TV Slim? Red Ingle and Unnatural Seven? Mark Sapper saying "What about that"
What about ME, for recordings of steam engines going by?
Does Cher really get paid when I play her song " Ringo I Love You", as "Bonnie Jo Tyler"?

For this and other reasons, I still feel those who assemble and present "radio-ready" content are the ones who should be paid BY Sound Exchange, for giving exposure and thereby generating more demand for recordings.
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