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Social Media & Radio

Did anyone else catch the AllAccess.com webinar on Leveraging Social Media in Radio?

The 45 minute webinar was a real eye opener in regards to how important Social Media has become today in building a loyal and receptive audience.

Was very interesting to see some numbers and have them explain how the average Social Media user fits in on the radio side of the equation and it really got my attention when I learned that Facebooks average user is right in the prime 25 - 35 demo with an average income of nearly 100k...

These are exactly the people you want to be attracting as listeners if you want sponsors to sit up and take notice. They also talked about Twitter & Facebook followers being among the most loyal and dedicated radio audience and if they are willing to stay engaged and following you via social media they are twice as likely to tune in your radio station or program when they listen to the radio.

Good stuff, that was my first webinar and I was impressed with how it worked via Gotomeeting.com
I didn't get a chance to catch that particular one, but I do know that information! Our studies have shown that our average listener from any social site, stays on average 2 and a half hours a day! they are not only loyal, but they build a viral aspect that all companies love! Great info man!
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