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Pat Kain

What a shame. I remember him on QWK Rock doing the bits of Deputy Pat Fife in St. College many many years back before him moving to Lancaster. Heck of a nice kid.
Oh, my God. Pat was such a wonderful guy. This is just horrible. Thoughts and prayers to his family.
Wow, I remember Pat when he first came to B-103/WMAJ to work. I was working as prod. director and he was still in college and he was a board op. on MAJ. Great guy, always fun to be around on and off the air. After MAJ, he went across town to QWK rock, yet still partied with us when he could. I still remember him always calling us (Christian Myers, Scott Smith, James Forr) to go down to his next gig (LAN) and go on the air with him. I haven't talked to him in years, but I still remember the fun we had like it was yesterday. My deepest sympathy to his family. Pat,you will be missed.
I never met Pat, however I remember listening to him on LAN from Allentown on a hill on Emmaus Ave where you could just barely pull in the station. I've also had the pleasure of working with quite a few people that he influenced, most notably Toby Knapp.

Passion is a tough thing to come by these days and it certainly seems that Pat embodied that. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Mike Miller from Kiss HBG writes a GREAT post on the Central PA board regarding Pat and his legacy......

Hot 99.5 / Washington, DC
This is such a tragedy. Especially for Pat's family. My prayers are with them always.

biff-r. If you're reading this, shoot me an email. hiltondg (at) aol (dot) com

dave hilton
aka christian myers
Pat will definitely be missed. He did more show prep than anyone I ever worked with, and even when he was doing morning drive @ QWK, he was never big headed about things, he always had time for everyone whether you were an intern or the janitor.
MY GOD! Pat was such a talent and had so much to yet to give. He was one of my best friends in radio ever since I hired him aw WQWK in the early '90's. I've followed his career (and tried to get him to join my team in Tucson, but never could get it worked out), and visited him and his wife whenever I got back to Pennsylvania (which hasn't been often). Pat, rest in peace...you will be missed! Radio has lost another talent that could have saved our dying business!

Jonas Hunter
[email protected]
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