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Katrina-Who will help the USA?



I have yet to hear the leaders of any other nations offer assistance to the United States resulting from the death and destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina.

Where is France, Germany, Italy, Russia and the countless other countries the United States has bailed out financially over the years, or has gone to war to help liberate them from aggressors?

Let’s face it, we Americans are alone when it comes to dealing with natural disasters, like Katrina. Yet let something terrible happen elsewhere in the world and the U S is one of the first nations to step in to offer financial aid and other assistance.

<P ID="signature">______________
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them".</P>
> I have yet to hear the leaders of any other nations offer
> assistance to the United States resulting from the death and
> destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina.
> Where is France, Germany, Italy, Russia and the countless
> other countries the United States has bailed out financially
> over the years, or has gone to war to help liberate them
> from aggressors?
> Let’s face it, we Americans are alone when it comes to
> dealing with natural disasters, like Katrina. Yet let
> something terrible happen elsewhere in the world and the U S
> is one of the first nations to step in to offer financial
> aid and other assistance.

You know, this very subject was brought up on Coast to Coast last night. George Noory made that observation and he and his guest wondered what was up with that.
It is an interesting question, isn't it?
It's my guess that other nations do care about us.
Not every nation hates us, contrary to popular belief (with this whole Iraq situation going on).
I think other nations look at us as being one of the few nations in the world that can handle ourselves (financially and/or otherwise) in a time of crisis.
So, the US gets lots of sympathy from its friends (like Britain)....but little if anything else.
It's bad enough that our federal government gives our hard earned, much needed money away to godless, terrible piece of crap countries, but when they come around for private donations -- like for the tsunami and African debt relef -- you respectfully decline.

With this hurricane, I'm not going to donate money, because we gave so much to that friggin tsunami, the fed better not come looking to me to donate for New Orleans.

The way we throw money around the world, you think we were pooping money.


Oh, back to the original question. Nobody will help us, they either hate us (China, every arab country) or they are extremely jealous (France, Germany).

It's bad enough that our federal government gives our hard earned, much needed money away to godless, terrible piece of crap countries, but when they come around for private donations -- like for the tsunami and African debt relef -- I respectfully decline.

With this hurricane, I'm not going to donate money, because we gave so much to that friggin tsunami, the fed better not come looking to me.

The way we throw money around the world, you think we were pooping money.


Oh, back to the original question. Nobody will help us, they either hate us (China, every arab country) or they are extremely jealous (France, Germany).
help the USA?

Because, in our world, we are BY FAR the richest nation. We have the resources
to deal with catastrophes like this. Our poorest are in fact richer than many in third-world countries.

I've heard and read a few comments comparing Katrina to the Tsunamis and now nations like we helped should step up and help us. I think what many forget is that the people hit by the Tsunamis live in a very different world than we.
Even the poorest and most poverty-stricken in New Orleans and Mississippi have much more in their lives than 99% of Tsunami victims.

This tit-for-tat "well, we helped them- now they should help us" thinking is a very elitist mindset. The Tsunami killed at least 250,000 people, mostly in countries where people still make $5 a month and have very few possessions or resources. Catastrophic and heartbreaking as Katrina is, it still pales in comparison to the continuing Tsunami death toll and destruction.

> I have yet to hear the leaders of any other nations offer
> assistance to the United States resulting from the death and
> destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina.
> Where is France, Germany, Italy, Russia and the countless
> other countries the United States has bailed out financially
> over the years, or has gone to war to help liberate them
> from aggressors?
> Let’s face it, we Americans are alone when it comes to
> dealing with natural disasters, like Katrina. Yet let
> something terrible happen elsewhere in the world and the U S
> is one of the first nations to step in to offer financial
> aid and other assistance.

So, you're going to put blame on our Government for throwing money at that "friggin tsunami" and to show 'em you're boss you'll close the door on your own
fellow Americans by saying "sorry"?

Nice, compassionate approach.

> With this hurricane, I'm not going to donate money, because
> we gave so much to that friggin tsunami, the fed better not
> come looking to me to donate for New Orleans.
> The way we throw money around the world, you think we were pooping money.
> I have yet to hear the leaders of any other nations offer
> assistance to the United States resulting from the death and
> destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina.

Earlier today, I saw a statement from the Canadian government offering whatever assistance that they can provide to the U.S.A. -- so that's at least one country that has offered to help.
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