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Katrina coverage



Just an observation from somebody who is normally not a "the MEDIA this & the MEDIA that" finger-pointer, surfing through coverage of Katrina's aftermath on most of the major networks:

* last evening on Fox, Sean Hannity copped a pretty obvious "rich white guy" soap box with some high ranking Louisiana officials RE: looting. While the pilfering of TVs & electronics is reprehensible, there is room in the law for items like food and other basic essentials in emergency situations. Hannity's interviewing this guy and just wouldn't pull his foot off his throat about not doing enough about looting. Yes, Sean- it sucks and it's illegal but you have never been where most of these desperate people are, either in their normal lives or right now. Climb down off your high-horse and have a little compassion, not just for the most desperate of looters but for the officials who are so overwhelmed. They are doing their best.

* CNN this morning- I actually heard Soledad O'Brien ask the LA Governer about getting refugees out of the Superdome and she kept pressing her, basically saying "have you thought of doing 'this', have you thought of doing 'that'?", THEN (really) said, "well, you could bring military transports in, like C-130s, to ferry them out". I wonder where Soledad thinks the military will belanding a C-130? Perhaps right there on Canal Street or maybe even Bourbon Street? Sure- just drop that transport right in on that city street & fly 'em right out. Duh.
I used to think she was brighter than that. Really came off quite arrogant and shallow.

I must also say that aside from only a few other similar moments, much of the coverage has been spectacular, proportionately sensitive and 100% stunning bringing the devestation intoi perspective.

God Bless everybody in this situation.
"* last evening on Fox, Sean Hannity copped a pretty obvious
"rich white guy" soap box with some high ranking Louisiana
officials RE: looting. Yes, Sean- it sucks and it's illegal but you
have never been where most of these desperate people are,
either in their normal lives or right now. "

The looting stories are hardly confined to Fox News.. they are everywhere. I don't think Sean Hannity or anyone else begrudges people the things they need for survival, but people are carrying televisions and booze out of stores right in front of the cameras and the police. It's not their fault for reporting it. It appears far worse than in most natural disaster situations.

"* CNN this morning- I actually heard Soledad O'Brien ask the
> LA Governer about getting refugees out of the Superdome and
> she kept pressing her, basically saying "have you thought of
> doing 'this', have you thought of doing 'that'?"

Pressuring her? Somehow, I missed that interviewing technique in journalism class.

"God Bless everybody in this situation."

Amen to that. It's horrible. It makes waking up in the morning in a soft dry bed something to appreciate.<P ID="signature">______________

"If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it." - Albert Einstein </P>
> * CNN this morning- I actually heard Soledad O'Brien ask the
> LA Governer about getting refugees out of the Superdome and
> she kept pressing her, basically saying "have you thought of
> doing 'this', have you thought of doing 'that'?", THEN
> (really) said, "well, you could bring military transports
> in, like C-130s, to ferry them out". I wonder where Soledad
> thinks the military will belanding a C-130? Perhaps right
> there on Canal Street or maybe even Bourbon Street? Sure-
> just drop that transport right in on that city street & fly
> 'em right out. Duh.
> I used to think she was brighter than that. Really came off
> quite arrogant and shallow.

While I'm sure SOB doesn't know this, or didn't have this in mind, there is a way to rescue those Superdome refugees using modified C-130s, but it's a long, singular process:

The HC-130/MC-130 (and its variations) is equipped with exfiltration equipment that can literally "pick up" people on the ground without landing. It's used mostly for Special Forces exfiltration and rescue, and has been used to rescue downed pilots as well.

The Air Force and Marines have these HC-130s; also the HH-53 and the HH-60 are similarly equipped.

What happens is a line is tethered to the downed pilot, sent up in the air by balloon. The line stays in the air and the HC-130 or HH-60 flies along, straight and on course, without deviating from it's altitude, and a set of "claws" on the nose of the HC-130 grab the tethered line. The rescuee is literally snatched up from the ground and dragged through the air until he can be reeled into the cargo cabin of the aircraft.

The system can hold one or two rescuees, at most. Thus, with so many thousands in the Superdome, it would take days to do this--and many many aircraft. It's practically impossible because of the size.

But I doubt SOB was thinking of this scenario! :)

I agree--god bless these people, and here's hoping they stay safe and secure.
With everyone being evacuated from N.O., those stolen big screens aren't going very far. The CNNlady, who should know better, reminds me of certain talk show callers telling us how high speed chases and foot chases can be eliminated by using helicopters and dropping nets on fleeing suspects. <P ID="signature">______________
Greetings from Ohio-where the governor wants everyone to know he's sorry.</P>
> Just an observation from somebody who is normally not a "the
> MEDIA this & the MEDIA that" finger-pointer, surfing through
> coverage of Katrina's aftermath on most of the major
> networks:
> * last evening on Fox, Sean Hannity copped a pretty obvious
> "rich white guy" soap box with some high ranking Louisiana
> officials RE: looting. While the pilfering of TVs &
> electronics is reprehensible, there is room in the law for
> items like food and other basic essentials in emergency
> situations. Hannity's interviewing this guy and just
> wouldn't pull his foot off his throat about not doing enough
> about looting. Yes, Sean- it sucks and it's illegal but you
> have never been where most of these desperate people are,
> either in their normal lives or right now. Climb down off
> your high-horse and have a little compassion, not just for
> the most desperate of looters but for the officials who are
> so overwhelmed. They are doing their best.
> * CNN this morning- I actually heard Soledad O'Brien ask the
> LA Governer about getting refugees out of the Superdome and
> she kept pressing her, basically saying "have you thought of
> doing 'this', have you thought of doing 'that'?", THEN
> (really) said, "well, you could bring military transports
> in, like C-130s, to ferry them out". I wonder where Soledad
> thinks the military will belanding a C-130? Perhaps right
> there on Canal Street or maybe even Bourbon Street? Sure-
> just drop that transport right in on that city street & fly
> 'em right out. Duh.
> I used to think she was brighter than that. Really came off
> quite arrogant and shallow.
> I must also say that aside from only a few other similar
> moments, much of the coverage has been spectacular,
> proportionately sensitive and 100% stunning bringing the
> devestation intoi perspective.
> God Bless everybody in this situation.

"Looters" is another name for "opportunists", OldiesCat! Think back to the LA riot of 1992. Then, like now, the THEFT (key word there, OldiesCat: "THEFT") of booze, guns, clothing, and electronics was all about........"Oooooohweeeee! Ain't no store owners or cops around, so I'm gonna go git me some of mine! Hot damn! Git outta my way, bitch!!"

Get real, OldiesCat, okay?!

Also, what has happened in the French Quarter area is outrageous, to say the least!

And I love the way that you started off your post with you more-or-less stating that you're a "neutral-kind-of-guy" when it comes to critiquing the media!
---And then, of all networks, you choose to slam Fox!! Oh, please! All of the networks are worthy of criticism! (Be it about covering this hurricane or anything else, like the ridiculous over-the-top coverage of the Natalie Holloway disappearance in Aruba!)

You are sooooo incredible disingenuous, OldiesCat! You really are!

You make me laugh!
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