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How will KGB respond?

Re: Old English Spelling Error

> > In 5 years, satellite will very possibly be obsolete with
> > the developments in broadband and hand held multifunciton
> > devices.
> >
> > There are no pennys made of hay, either.
> >
> But then broadband and hand held multifunction devices will
> have no effect on terrestrial radio? Oh, you didnt say that.
> Interesting thought though.

Of course they will. They will change the whole distribution of content. Fortunately, most of the cntent of any value is on terrestrial radio, and it will just move. Or be on multiple platforms. We are not entirely stupid.
> Spoken like a man who has some type of financial interest in
> terrestrial radio David.

None. By the time any of the really major changes come, I will be sitting in San Felipe or Sedona and writing.
> Speaking of financial intrest, Two farthing make a ha'
> penny. Pronounced 'hay penny'. Two ha' pennys made one
> penny.

It is written "Ha'penny."

> Whew...I hope you dont balance anybodys books or work with
> finances Dave. Might find yourself getting took for a
> thrupence.

Tuppence. Never for thrupence.
> Stay away from wooden nickels.

You are getting boring.
Re: Dorothy, Lion, Scarecrow and the Tin Man.

> > Continue to rebut my arguments at the risk of proving
> > yourself clueless to the people on this board. You're
> not,
> > I note, getting a lot of support for your position, nor
> has
> > anyone posted proof that my statements are wrong.
> First of Sherlock, Im not looking for support here.

None of us are looking for support. we are debating points of view.

> Unlike
> you, I dont need a messageboard to impress others.

Conclusion not based in fact.

> I have
> friends outside the internet in the real world.

Most of us do. So what?

> And lets be
> honest, only you and david have really argued my points.

It is fairly usual for only a few posters at a time to take a deep interest in a subject. This is a limited audience. We are not talking Rush Limbaugh size audiences here... there are, at most, a couple of hundred lurkers who read a subject, and only a few who post.

> How come you only get about 150 or so
> people checking each topic? In a market of 2+ million, where
> hundreds of people work in radio, why isnt there more people
> interested in the knowledge displayed here by such
> wonderkind radio gurus like yourself?

Because there are not that many people interested in the particular mix of radio folks, radio wannabees, radio fans and nuts that you find here. It is a potion not tasty to most.
> Aha! Somewhere in there lies the answer.

Yeah, a regular mystery of life.
Re: Old English Spelling Error

> You are getting boring.

<P ID="signature">______________

When u cant win the argument attack the grammiticals, grammerism, er...spelling.

> >
> > Speaking of financial intrest, Two farthing make a ha'
> > penny. Pronounced 'hay penny'. Two ha' pennys made one
> > penny.
> It is written "Ha'penny."

So you knew exactly what I was talking about then...the point was made. There is such a thing as 'hey' 'hay' pennies...although it is not made of hay.

> You are getting boring.

Boring? You have been good for a laugh. Thanks. You and whats-his-face really made my week! Weekend should be even better!
Re: Dorothy, Lion, Scarecrow and the Tin Man.

> Because there are not that many people interested in the
> particular mix of radio folks, radio wannabees, radio fans
> and nuts that you find here. It is a potion not tasty to
> most.
> >

YOU said it.

> > Aha! Somewhere in there lies the answer.
> >
> Yeah, a regular mystery of life.

YOU said it.

Ya know for somebody who is so bored by me...ya sure cant resist conversation, or texting or blogging or whatever this is.
Re: Old English Spelling Error

> > You are getting boring.
> "Getting"?

Ain't u dunn yet?
Re: Some more links of interest!!

> Have Fun!!!
> www.kurthanson.com/archive/news/110305/index.asp
> www.fool.com/news/commentary/2005/commentary05110201.htm
> www.kurthanson.com/archive/news/110405/index.asp

Yes those were some very interesting links! I like having information from sources other then David and KM. Good to get a variety of input on subjects before reaching conclusions. What did KRS-ONE say? 'Knowledge reigns supream?' Or was that GI Joe? No Joe said 'knowing is half the battle' And now you know! Like I said, Im just trying to be Mr.Niceguy and give lameass PDs recycling the same old hash a heads up. It might work this week, but you need to take a long, serious look at what is ahead in the relatively near future.

I found it interesting that Arbitron is under pressure from large radio corporations to not include satillite listeners. Why? If satillite doesnt make a dent now why fight a ghost that doesnt exist? Could it be they are worried about what may happen in 5-10 years? Especially in certian large markets where they really make their bread and butter. Hmmmm...could be. Hell, if it was my money I would be too. You would have to be a regular maroon to not.

At least the corporate radio big dogs take satillite and its growing listener base seriously. Even if the big dogs here on radio-info dont. Where is 'here' exactly??
Since you're new here, here's something for you

> Ya know for somebody who is so bored by me...ya sure cant
> resist conversation, or texting or blogging or whatever this
> is.
David Eduardo Gleason is a very well respected poster here. You may not know that since you've only made less than 40 posts. I suggest you check out David's profile and on it there's a link to his webpage. Read it if you have time. It will tell you a lot about David.

You are entitled to your opinion and I'm not defending David, KM OR you!
I have also had my arguments with David over the years. YEARS ago when I was new here (actually on this board's previous incarnation) I made a rant about K-Earth's playlist! Yes, not much has changed. David replied by calling me a troll. I was offended at the time, but came to realize in time that here in cyberspace, no one should take so many things personally. You will also learn this.

Another thing you will learn: About 98% of the time, David WILL get the last word in!! Only one thread in which he and I were having a discussion in recent months did I get the last word in. He messed that up :>) probably because David spends a lot of time here, on a zillion other boards at various times (i.e. posting at 11 PM on a Saturday night!!) in addition to his job responsibilities. Part of his job (indirectly, of course) I guess is keeping up to date on this board, the LA board, the Chicago, NYC, oldies board, Arizona board, -- there's many more I'm sure, but you get the point.

Just watch yourself on how your conduct looks to objective observers. Some may regard you in a bad light.

KM is KM and in time, you too will be able to discern KM as a Moderator vs KM as a Poster!!

Take Care

I appreciate your post

> David Eduardo Gleason is a very well respected poster here.
> You may not know that since you've only made less than 40
> posts.

Actually Ive visited this board for years. I know exactly who David is. I know his angle well. The 40 posts have all come on basically this thread. I have had other screen names over the years, because I get a new account every few months when I decide to reply to somthing again. I never remember what my old screen name was, what account I had it under, ect...so I just sign up for a new one. Its free so no harm, no foul. Im not they type to stick around and post constantly, so yeah I forget old accounts.

Yes, not much has changed. David replied by
> calling me a troll.

Yes. I know of the moderators and how they only allow certian individuals to personally attack posters that they dont agree with. If your not one of the 6 man click you can get booted for calling someone a name like 'troll'. Thats why I chose the Wizard of Oz reference...put more of a positive light on my dig.

I was offended at the time, but came to
> realize in time that here in cyberspace, no one should take
> so many things personally. You will also learn this.

Its the internet. I take nothing personal. Besides I have much bigger enemies. You know what they say about judging a man by his enemies...My black list reads like a 'whos who'. And yes, Im damn proud of it.

> Another thing you will learn: About 98% of the time, David
> WILL get the last word in!!

Him and KM. Haha. I was actually going to respond to their last post 'above' there response, so as to allow them to have the last word. I know how much that means to them.

probably because David
> spends a lot of time here, on a zillion other boards at
> various times (i.e. posting at 11 PM on a Saturday night!!)

Yeah...I know...what can you say about it. Takes all kinds to make the world go round I guess.

> Just watch yourself on how your conduct looks to objective
> observers. Some may regard you in a bad light.

Like T.O. said 'Im the Bad Guy' Ya know I had a promotion company by that name 'The Bad Guys' about 10 years ago.


> KM is KM

Yeah. Thats the best way to put it.

Gracias and good lookin' out!
Re: Old English Spelling Error

> Ain't u dunn yet?

You answer the same question, first.<P ID="signature">______________

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