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    RadioDiscussions Administrators

CBS radio

Just when you think things couldn't get bad enough, it seems as though the NAB (Of which CBS is a member of) is crying over the increase in royalty payments they're having to pay. There's a big thread on the Live365 Message Boards here (Membership as a broadcaster there is required to read that particular forum on the board however) if you care to read it.


Cheers :D
......meanwhile, my daughter's sitting in her flat in London happily listening to KRTH this afternoon.

If I "splain" I'm afraid I'll spill the beans to some CBS lurker who'll spoil the party for her and probably a few others.

The fact is, I don't know for sure what she's using to listen. I have a pretty good hunch, and I could always ask her. I won't do that, but I'll go this far.....

She could be listening on her Mac book, but I doubt it. She's obviously not listening on her HD radio (won a few years back in a BBC contest). Nope....so that leaves her iPhone. I'm pretty sure that's it, but I'd rather not say which app I suspect it is. I've probably said too much already.

BTW, I agree 100% that advertisers....from Joe's Garage to whoever is dictating the local Pepsi-Cola buy....couldn't care less about their messages reaching statewide, nationwide, or worldwide. The problem is all the greedy individual interests thinking they're each entitled to a piece of the golden goose that they're killing. I agree that performance fees do need to be paid....but there has to be a fair and reasonable solution devised which includes a point where rights holders must say "when".
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