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Audacity Is My Choice

Thanks to everyone who sent me emails and helped me transition from the "station" to my studio at home. My weekly short format cooking tips never sounded so good and its because so many people from here suggested that I try the FREE program Audacity.

I downloaded the new version, had it up and running in seconds and was able to cut my spots for work at home as well as my weekly free email short format shows.

The only problems I have is when I reopen a file it says there are orphan files that need to be deleted. I have NO idea what these files are. But I click ok and everything works.

So, I guess my post is this. If you are low budget station and need some high end software that is free just search Audacity. I have tossed my old software.

Also, there is a slight delay when recording so be aware of that when you are watching the timer.

Thanks again for the suggestions. - Kent
whitakermk said:
Thanks to everyone who sent me emails and helped me transition from the "station" to my studio at home. My weekly short format cooking tips never sounded so good and its because so many people from here suggested that I try the FREE program Audacity.

I downloaded the new version, had it up and running in seconds and was able to cut my spots for work at home as well as my weekly free email short format shows.

The only problems I have is when I reopen a file it says there are orphan files that need to be deleted. I have NO idea what these files are. But I click ok and everything works.

So, I guess my post is this. If you are low budget station and need some high end software that is free just search Audacity. I have tossed my old software.

Also, there is a slight delay when recording so be aware of that when you are watching the timer.

Thanks again for the suggestions. - Kent

I've always used Audacity and I can't recommend it more!
speaking of home studios and programs...does anyone run nexgen from home? what's the differece between audicty and adobe audition? besides price?
AugC said:
what's the differece between audicty and adobe audition? besides price?

That may be like asking whats the difference between and Ford and a Chevy. For real "car nuts" a list of differences can be generated, but for most of us, the differences are somewhat cosmetic.

I started out maybe 14 years ago with CoolEdit. Upgraded a couple of times. Never had CoolEdit Pro. I finally got out the wallet and upgraded to Adobe Audition. The Adobe on-line sales people will tell you that Audition is a totally new program and has nothing in common with the old Cool Edit. That may be true of the actual programming code, but the interface, the look and feel... you KNOW that Audition is an older brother of Cool Edit.

Recently I install Audacity because I am mentoring a couple of people who want to do the same kind of editing I do but they couldn't justify Audition. I have learned just enough about Adacity to help them along. To me, it is an awkward program.... but if I had been using Audacity for years and years and was just now seeing Audition for the first time, I am sure I would IT awkward!

They are designed to do much the same task. I am not prepared to tell you that one is better than the other.
It could be worse. I was looking for a program like Adobe Audition that I could use under the Mac OS and the initial reviews for Adobe Soundbooth promised it was "Adobe Audition for the Mac". Well, much to my frustration, after I purchased it I discovered it was only a TWO TRACK EDITOR. There are tons of two-track editors out there, including Audacity (which has progressed into a multi-track editor). I own plenty of two-track editors and none with the annoying activation process of Adobe's software.

Adobe has supposedly listened and has allegedly upgraded Soundbooth to multitrack operation. As far as I'm concerned, unless Adobe offers the upgrade for free I've learned my lesson and will not ever use another Adobe product ever. I never upgraded past version 1.5 of Audition and I couldn't be happier. I've heard folks moan about the interface changes past 1.5.

Audacity may not be the Adobe Audition killer (yet) but I'm sure it runs rings around Soundbooth. As far as I'm concerned Adobe lost another customer and I plan on using Audacity on both platforms.
AUDACITY question, I have everything up and running with Audacity, but I seem to have a very low buzz in the stereo audio clips when I record vocals. Its very slight, and not bad at all when I layer the vocals over the background music. But, I hate that it is there. I have tried the filters to remove noise etc, but cant seem to get rid of it. It really showed up in a PSA about local food banks I did with no background music, And I have a PSA coming up about Toy drives and was hoping to figure out the problem before I have to do that one. Any suggestions would be great. - Thanks - Kent
whitakermk said:
I have everything up and running with Audacity, but I seem to have a very low buzz in the stereo audio clips when I record vocals.

Give us a few more details. What is the route of your audio. Example: Mic -> ART Pre-amp -> Mixer amp -> soundcard.

The two most likely sources:

(1) Low buzz can indicate and unbalanced in or out doesn't like what it is connected to, or you have a connective cable that is defective.

(2) Your signal level is too low. There is always some noise in every system. Usually it is so far down under the audio we don't hear it. Try turning up the gain to see what that does.

When you make a recording, before you do any adjustments and normalizing, how far below zero level are your highest peaks?
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