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    RadioDiscussions Administrators

A Modest Proposal



Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.

Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.

Both have become havens for political hate-thought-crime!
Not just from one side; from ALL sides. <P ID="signature">______________
"If you wish to avoid seeing a fool you must first break your looking glass"
--Francois Rabelais</P>
> Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.

How about just moving threads like the Bill Bennett thread to the "Off the Air" or "News-Talk" board?
I have just forwarded this great Idea to the Admin's!

I proposed that you become our new Moderator, what do you think?

> Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.
> Both have become havens for political hate-thought-crime!
> Not just from one side; from ALL sides.
> Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> Both have become havens for political hate-thought-crime!
> Not just from one side; from ALL sides.

I quit reading the Off the Air board for this same reason. If I want to tune into political debate, I'll attend a local city, county, state, or transit district meeting. Besides, it seems the people who are willing to give live, in-person comments that they also sign their true legal name and home address to are more willing to 1) not only give their side of the issue, but also 2) listen to what the other people have to say, and respect their opinion on the issue for the sake of opinion, even if they don't agree with it. If I post something here that seems political, it's because it's on-topic with what's being discussed.

When I come over to Radio-Info (which I do less and less of due to all the political nonsense), I want to see comments on what's going on in radio - not Capital (or is that "Capitol") Hill.<P ID="signature">______________
If it's the "greatest music ever made," why is it <a target="_blank" href=http://kisn910.com/>relegated to AM</a> or online only?</P>
The Moderator Replies ...

> > Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> >
> > Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.
> How about just moving threads like the Bill Bennett thread
> to the "Off the Air" or "News-Talk" board?

If you just use the "Report post to moderator" link to advise me of those off-topic threads, I generally will see the e-mail within 12 hours (depending on day and time) and move those threads.

I will forewarn certain opinionated people that if I keep seeing the same people starting the off-topic threads, I will bring them to the attention of the owners of Radio-Info (who don't enjoy having such rulebreakers around).<P ID="signature">______________

> When I come over to Radio-Info (which I do less and less of
> due to all the political nonsense), I want to see comments
> on what's going on in radio - not Capital (or is that
> "Capitol") Hill.

It's Capitol Hill. The -al is technically an adjective form, where as the -ol is a noun (or do I have it backwards? Been a long time since I studied Greek and Latin). However, since they're pronounced the same in English, I'm sure even Senators get crossed up from time to time.
Re: I have just forwarded this great Idea to the Admin's!

> I proposed that you become our new Moderator, what do you
> think?

Like hell!

No way, Jose (insensitive comment, I know...it was intentional)

If I were to moderate the "Off The Air" board I'd have to be more
circumspect. Truly, a dismal prospect.

Like every cool cat I need a sandbox somewhere....

<P ID="signature">______________
"If you wish to avoid seeing a fool you must first break your looking glass"
--Francois Rabelais</P>
Re: The Moderator Replies ...

What about splitting the Off the Air board into two..one for light topics (favorite cheeseburger) and one for knock-down, drag out fights about politics?
Re: The Moderator Replies ...

yes, I remember the good old days here on "off the air"!

> What about splitting the Off the Air board into two..one for
> light topics (favorite cheeseburger) and one for knock-down,
> drag out fights about politics?
A Modest Proposal (but not Swift's)

> Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.

No. Just be more aggressive about sending threads from here to there.

When the discussion ceases to provide new insights into
Bennett's comments and just becomes political
bickering, that's when it should be moved or at least
truncated. (Can that be done with this software?)

73s from 954<P ID="signature">______________
<center>The Classic Jazz Quartet</center></P>
knock-down, drag out fights

> What about splitting the Off the Air board into two..one for
> light topics (favorite cheeseburger) and one for knock-down,
> drag out fights about politics?

Where would the knock-down, drag out fights about cola go?

73s from 954<P ID="signature">______________
<center>The Classic Jazz Quartet</center></P>
Splitting boards or changing only happens when soneone on the right gets into trouble

> > Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> >
> > Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.

Here's my0.02. The only time you hear about splitting the board when those who at least a minimum to appear to disagree with those who post various items. Yes its pretty clear that if you are on the left, people have a hard time with pretty much anything you say on this board..but thats debate and thats ok. Im no where near as thin skinned as most of the people who come "whining" that everything in the News/Talk board is political. Their whining most of time means that they don't want to talk about anything left of center..then its "too political"....unless Rush is being praised or Glenn Beck replaces O'Reilly or that WHJJ in providence is the worst station in the world with the worst staff because it had the audacity to try a few shows from AAR. These threads are ok and are rarely challenged....using the Bill Bennett thread..its a thread that can break down in to a political discussion but racism is not politics its just wrong..and there are some who arent going to buy that its about political correctness...its about right and wrong on the radio.....so this thread is not the one that should inspire the latest whining...

Threads about AAR are about radio but most of the attacks come from those who hate it...what the real problem is and i use Dampier's words again..is that its too easy to call some of this stuff posted on the table...or two google searches shows the BS....and those who post crap get it right back in their faces...and they dont like it so they cry politics...

Come to think about this latest whiny request...it comes from a "moderator"...not a regular poster...and its being posted in the National Radio forum ..where maybe the off-the-air board is probably the right place....dont you think. A month or so after I joined the board, I had a discussion with a moderator in public, then took it private. While I will always follow the edict of the forum moderator, I may disagree with some of the handling. I have a serious problem that those who call them selves moderators are actually very very active and sometimes cause more trouble than they "moderate". This is one of the few boards I have been too where moderators wade right in instead of being neutral parties.....many of the moderators in the AAR discussion have made it clear that they hate AAR as much as the next person or they disagree with the left....this invalidates any real sense that things will ever be fair..

Les, Steve West, and others make themselves part of the "issue" or "problem" depending on how the thread moves....Cabradio tries to stay above the fray most of the time but sometimes jumps in....but to a much lesser degree...and KMRichards is more of a standard moderator who seems a lot more consistent.

At some point, it may have to be decided that neutrality is a necessity...but not with the current crew....again I respect the rules...but this is my statement of belief.....i don't think ive said anything bannable but I can go further but will do that privately with anyone who thinks im out of line.
I think I follow the rules or moderation most of the time. I don't get deleted and if im out of line (and its clear) i have apologized..so I think im a good citizen on this board....most people are just like me...despite the debate and heat that gets stirred up now and then....thats not the issue....ill debate Johnny morgan and sir roxalot from here to next sunday becuse there is normally a discusson going on...but too many cry wolf about things when they are simply not liking the topic...especially talk radio related topics...politics and talk radio are linked....nothing can be done about that....my 0.02

Back to the main issue

ON the SF, board, a broadcaster was fired from Giants baseball for saying something racial/bigoted on the radio broadcast, that thread was allowed to flourish and multiply.....no one questions that the SF board was a place to have it.....(no moderator objections that i noticed....and i didnt follow it that closely..but it was allowed to thrive)

Bill Bennett says something on the radio that is racially biased...Bill is on the right and those who agree with Bennett's politics are now crying for an end to the discussion....

Looks the same to me...but...look at the "split the room requests" or "lets create an AAR room"

Now we are getting requests to split the off-the-air board...this is supposed to be the free for all room where anythought can be written.....this is just nuts

Im not sure whats going to happen now...but if there is a clear head in the moderators...let it be the one to put this silliness to rest.....i think its time you went back and came up with some consistent rules or at least discuss applying neutrality...because its not a "fair" board in the least bit..im just a debate fan..so i enjoy it no matter what..i dont whine and i dont wear myfeelings on my sleeve.......but im not leaving ....ill stick it out just fine...im not asking you to change one board....im just thinking if you are worried about politics, then moderators should not let their personal views get in the way of keeping discourse on the path you want it to be on....those moderators who are part of the problem..."the Les / Steve West" types should have their status re-evaluated....this will probably immprove what you want to do....

And btw...the left is not always evil......LOL...though many think so here....

Thanks for considering things...and if you don't change a thing ...oh well, the battle continues.....LOL....
Re: A Modest Proposal (but not Swift's)

> > Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> > Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.
> No. Just be more aggressive about sending threads from here
> to there.
> When the discussion ceases to provide new insights into
> Bennett's comments and just becomes political
> bickering, that's when it should be moved or at least
> truncated. (Can that be done with this software?)
> 73s from 954

We don't agree on much but in general we agree here...maybe if the political issues get deep then its time to move a topic...i dont agree that agressive is the word..because the moderators are a bit too subjective....
A concept difficult to grasp.

> Les, Steve West, and others make themselves part of the
> "issue" or "problem" depending on how the thread
> moves....

I know you will find this a challenge to understand:

Each board has one or more moderators. The moderators
for any given board are listed at the header for that
board. Now, look up.

Do you see me listed as a moderator for this board?

I sure don't.

I agree that a moderator with responsibility for any given
board should try to "stay above the fray" ON THE BOARD(s)

On the other hand I absolutely reject and am personally
insulted by your apparent contention that moderators of
OTHER boards (with no responsibility for the board at hand)
are somehow expected to surrender to protestors. Yes,
moderators can moderate other moderators but only on the
assigned boards.

If moderators were restricted from speaking their minds on
boards other than those for which they are responsible there
would be fewer moderators and it's likely that unmoderated
boards would sooner or later have to close.

> im just
> thinking if you are worried about politics, then moderators
> should not let their personal views get in the way of
> keeping discourse on the path you want it to be on....those
> moderators who are part of the problem..."the Les / Steve
> West" types should have their status re-evaluated....this
> will probably immprove what you want to do....

You certainly are free to e-mail your complaints toadmin directly.
In fact, PLEASE do so quickly. I make no bones about it....
I will accept NO special limitations on what I might "say" on boards
OTHER THAN THOSE FEW I MODERATE. If that means I can't continue to
moderate those few other boards, so be it.

Between my post and the one to which I'm replying, there are now
two good candidates for being banned....and I'm one of them.
Read the rules and see if you figure out why.

I know it's a challenge.....you'll find the rules in the left-edge
box titled "Navigation". And, no, there is no political reason
the boxes are on the left no matter how hard you might try to
imagine one.

<P ID="signature">______________
"If you wish to avoid seeing a fool you must first break your looking glass"
--Francois Rabelais</P>
We don't all agree with your opinion. "Back to the main issue".

Why not read the terms of service?. See Rule # 5. Then # 1, and #7, and return to #5. There must be rules here, and you have seriously violated them. And even more, you attacked Les.

> Come to think about this latest whiny request...it comes
> from a "moderator"...not a regular poster...and its being
> posted in the National Radio forum ..where maybe the
> off-the-air board is probably the right place....dont you
> think. A month or so after I joined the board, I had a
> discussion with a moderator in public, then took it private.
> While I will always follow the edict of the forum
> moderator, I may disagree with some of the handling. I have
> a serious problem that those who call them selves moderators
> are actually very very active and sometimes cause more
> trouble than they "moderate". This is one of the few boards
> I have been too where moderators wade right in instead of
> being neutral parties.....many of the moderators in the AAR
> discussion have made it clear that they hate AAR as much as
> the next person or they disagree with the left....this
> invalidates any real sense that things will ever be fair..
> Les, Steve West, and others make themselves part of the
> "issue" or "problem" depending on how the thread
> moves....Cabradio tries to stay above the fray most of the
> time but sometimes jumps in....but to a much lesser
> degree...and KMRichards is more of a standard moderator who
> seems a lot more consistent.
> At some point, it may have to be decided that neutrality is
> a necessity...but not with the current crew....again I
> respect the rules...but this is my statement of belief.....i
> don't think ive said anything bannable but I can go further
> but will do that privately with anyone who thinks im out of
> line.
> I think I follow the rules or moderation most of the time. I
> don't get deleted and if im out of line (and its clear) i
> have apologized..so I think im a good citizen on this
> board....most people are just like me...despite the debate
> and heat that gets stirred up now and then....thats not the
> issue....ill debate Johnny morgan and sir roxalot from here
> to next sunday becuse there is normally a discusson going
> on...but too many cry wolf about things when they are simply
> not liking the topic...especially talk radio related
> topics...politics and talk radio are linked....nothing can
> be done about that....my 0.02
> Back to the main issue
> Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.
> Both have become havens for political hate-thought-crime!
> Not just from one side; from ALL sides.

How about a board called Verbal Headbutting? Some of these guys are really into it.

I don't mind it so much at Off The Air but News/Talk is nothing but politics.

<P ID="signature">______________
"A man is about as big as the things that make him angry" - Winston Churchill

<a href="http://saltydog.5gigs.com">
The Salty Dog</a>
Re: A concept difficult to grasp.

I am in violation of rule #5 ...its not a challenge to understand the rules. I wll comply and redirect my points as described. I retract anything that is violation of rule #5 and apologize to the general public.

Madman's statement on rule #1 is merely conjecture.....and i strongly disagree.

Rule 7 is not left up to me to decide so i will comply.....as I always do in the forums.

> I know you will find this a challenge to understand:
> Each board has one or more moderators. The moderators
> for any given board are listed at the header for that
> board. Now, look up.
> Do you see me listed as a moderator for this board?
> I sure don't.

pretty obvious to all who enter.....

> On the other hand I absolutely reject and am personally
> insulted by your apparent contention that moderators of
> OTHER boards (with no responsibility for the board at hand)
> are somehow expected to surrender to protestors. Yes,
> moderators can moderate other moderators but only on the
> assigned boards.

Never said that......regarding "surrender"...the rest i'll address in honoring rule #5.
Re: knock-down, drag out fights

> > What about splitting the Off the Air board into two..one
> for
> > light topics (favorite cheeseburger) and one for
> knock-down,
> > drag out fights about politics?
> Where would the knock-down, drag out fights about cola go?
> 73s from 954
Good times, good times...<P ID="signature">______________

Canada TV and College Radio</P>
> > Simply merge this board with the "Off The Air" board.
> >
> > Perhaps grind in the News-Talk Board as well.
> >
> > Both have become havens for political hate-thought-crime!
> > Not just from one side; from ALL sides.
> >
> How about a board called Verbal Headbutting? Some of these
> guys are really into it.
> I don't mind it so much at Off The Air but News/Talk is
> nothing but politics.

I disagree and challenge that this is simply a way to stifle discussion
Re: A concept difficult to grasp.

I have honored Rule #5......and Rule #7.

> I am in violation of rule #5 ...its not a challenge to
> understand the rules. I wll comply and redirect my points as
> described. I retract anything that is violation of rule #5
> and apologize to the general public.
> Madman's statement on rule #1 is merely conjecture.....and i
> strongly disagree.
> Rule 7 is not left up to me to decide so i will
> comply.....as I always do in the forums.
This thread has been closed due to inactivity. You can create a new thread to discuss this topic.
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