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KFI MEGA OOPS.....Undumped F-bombs....

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KFI could have bailed after the first F-bomb, telling the audience that they'd bring them Councilman Bonin's remarks after they cleaned up anything that violated FCC rules and regs, but for whatever reason, they chose not to.

I disagree. If News/Talk stations are going to be taken seriously, then incidents like this will occasionally happen. I understand that the FCC is tight on language, which in this day and age I don't understand, but the nature of "live news" is that events like this happen.
I disagree. If News/Talk stations are going to be taken seriously, then incidents like this will occasionally happen. I understand that the FCC is tight on language, which in this day and age I don't understand, but the nature of "live news" is that events like this happen.
I think we do agree. I said KFI "could have", not "should have". And, in another post in this thread, I said sticking with it, especially given the heat in the community at the moment, may have been the smartest move.
Think big picture. The visuals of Democrats using racial/ethnic slurs are not good. Republicans will cackle over the perceived hypocrisy of the oh-so-woke Democratic Party, inserting the LA councilors into the broader political/cultural war. In the continuing effort to ridicule and discredit the opposition party, the facts you've stated about the LA City Council are irrelevant. It's Democrats, and Hispanic Democrats at that, so quick to jump on non-Hispanic white Republicans over racist language, using that language among themselves. This is a weapon -- maybe not a devastating one, but one that has a place in the overall GOP effort.
Which then begs the question----who in the room where these public servants felt free enough to talk like this would give the audio to the Republicans?

And why Reddit instead of straight to Hannity and Tucker?

Not saying it couldn't happen, but there are a lot more likely possibilities. If I was on the L.A. City Hall beat, I'd want to know which employees who worked directly with those three council members have been fired, laid off or demoted recently.
The former president and members of congress have used the same language in televised hearings and at televised rallies. None of it was bleeped, and so far the FCC hasn't fined any stations.
I worked at Rock stations that played the Who song WHO ARE YOU for years and nobody ever complained about the F word in it. We played other songs with SH** and nobody complained. We were never fined or contacted by any agency.

The American system of banning language is arbitrary and absurd. Some TV stations can show graphic carnage of zombies ripping flesh, but a bare breast or profanity is not allowed. Profanity during a news segment is much ado about nothing. The real abomination is the politicians themselves. Trump moved the boulder on decorum and unleased the Ugly Underneath...
I worked at Rock stations that played the Who song WHO ARE YOU for years and nobody ever complained about the F word in it. We played other songs with SH** and nobody complained. We were never fined or contacted by any agency.

The American system of banning language is arbitrary and absurd. Some TV stations can show graphic carnage of zombies ripping flesh, but a bare breast or profanity is not allowed. Profanity during a news segment is much ado about nothing. The real abomination is the politicians themselves. Trump moved the boulder on decorum and unleased the Ugly Underneath...

The FCC will only act on indecency if someone complains. KFI's audience is unlikely to do that.
Sure there is. TV stations run on delay, too. The trouble is, as I mentioned in a comment above, the “dump” button brings you back to real time. It then lengthens silences in speech so that in a minute or so, you’re back to a seven-second delay (longer delays take more time).

So you can avoid airing the first one. But you’re risking another if you continue the live broadcast before you’ve rebuilt your delay.
Not the tv station I work for
I worked at Rock stations that played the Who song WHO ARE YOU for years and nobody ever complained about the F word in it. We played other songs with SH** and nobody complained. We were never fined or contacted by any agency.

The American system of banning language is arbitrary and absurd. Some TV stations can show graphic carnage of zombies ripping flesh, but a bare breast or profanity is not allowed. Profanity during a news segment is much ado about nothing. The real abomination is the politicians themselves. Trump moved the boulder on decorum and unleased the Ugly Underneath...
was it played after “safe” hours at 10pm?
Think big picture. The visuals of Democrats using racial/ethnic slurs are not good. Republicans will cackle over the perceived hypocrisy of the oh-so-woke Democratic Party, inserting the LA councilors into the broader political/cultural war. In the continuing effort to ridicule and discredit the opposition party, the facts you've stated about the LA City Council are irrelevant. It's Democrats, and Hispanic Democrats at that, so quick to jump on non-Hispanic white Republicans over racist language, using that language among themselves. This is a weapon -- maybe not a devastating one, but one that has a place in the overall GOP effort.
Maybe this could get the Tulsi Gabbard, Kari Lake and Ron Desantis supporters in the short term but then again who knows how it will work in the long term? I can see how some Democrats end up with Tucker Carlson in some cases with examples like the incident in Los Angeles as one sample here. This is how some people who end up with Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham when they are whistleblowers of Toxic politics.

However on the national level we seen Ex Republicans do the same thing like Gabbard and accuse Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Trump, Lindell of Toxic politics leading to rumors of another insurrection at State Capitals, Insurrection rumors at department of Education offices over history of racism and LGBT discrimination + abuse as some of the examples mentioned in the past two years.
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I hear everyone say that the FCC is strict on language. I think it may be an urban legend.

The only time I can recall the FCC stepping in (in modern times) about inappropriate content was when an east coast television station accidentally transmitted a pornographic/sexually explicit image in a newscast. Does anyone have any contemporary successful examples of the FCC stepping in? (The "Wardrobe Malfunction" fine was shot down by the Supreme Court, so I think that's the current line in the sand).

I don't think the FCC would fine or admonish any station for using the "F" word or any other word that is used that elsewhere would satisfy current community standards. I think the industry has just accepted the folklore.
was it played after “safe” hours at 10pm?
These songs were in rotation 24 hours a day. The audience likely owned copies of these albums. Songs like JET AIRLINER, SHOW BIZ KIDS, MONEY, WHO ARE YOU, and others were aired unedited for many years. We didn't drop a song from the playlist just because it might have one profanity in it. I don't remember any listener or anybody else ever complaining about it. These were FM Album Rock stations and the FCC never made any inquiries. It seems ridiculous now that Classic Rock stations bleep out the words that once aired for decades. Many people had no idea that Lou Reed was singing about Transvestite Prostitutes in WALK ON THE WILD SIDE either.

Back to the thread topic, I doubt that KFI will be hearing from the FCC about this latest incident...
I think the industry has just accepted the folklore.

That's easy for you to say. It's not your ass or your money. Here's a fact about Howard Stern:

Between 1990 and 2004, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued fines totalling $2.5 million to radio licensees for airing material it deemed indecent from The Howard Stern Show, the highest amount of any American radio show.

So much for your folklore. Have they done it lately? I can't find a lot of examples since the Supreme Court case you mention. After that, the FCC sought public comments on relaxing its standards:

Still it's a risk a lot would rather not take, since at the least one needs to devote time and money to challenge the fine in court. That's a risk some companies would prefer not to take.
I hear everyone say that the FCC is strict on language. I think it may be an urban legend.
They act if there is a formal complaint. The FCC does not monitory US radio stations itself.
I don't think the FCC would fine or admonish any station for using the "F" word or any other word that is used that elsewhere would satisfy current community standards. I think the industry has just accepted the folklore.
There would be a test case if someone denounced it, and no licensee wants to run the risk. Many of us find current industry-practiced standards to be over the line but until someone registers a complaint, the FCC will not act.
You're assuming I'm not a station owner.
If you were an owner with your estate being at risk, you would not run the risk. The smaller the owner, the less they can afford risk.
2004 is a bit borderline for "contemporary", but the latest Stern fines were for sexually explicit content. Not for fleeting words that are probably within contemporary community standards.
Again, it is all about risk. Nobody wants to see what is behind Door Number Three.
2004 is a bit borderline for "contemporary", but the latest Stern fines were for sexually explicit content. Not for fleeting words that are probably within contemporary community standards.

Here's the "fleeting words" decision

They basically threw it back to the FCC to come up with a better policy.
The F bombs aired on the TV coverage also. There is no way to bleep that stuff out, when you don’t know it’s coming
I would expect a 4 or 7 second delay on a radio or tv talk show with live telephone callers and on a live entertainment program. I would not expect, nor do I think I want a delay to potentially edit a live speech by a politician nor a live government hearing.
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