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Why hasn't the 'New' worn off yet?



Is there some sort of a marketing angle in continuing to call 93 Rock 'The NEW 93 Rock' four years after the fact?
Cox does that with every format they have that started after 2003...its not a statement of newness, its a brand. I've been told. Ok.
So it's marketing then... hmmm. well, it makes sense to them I guess!
One of the many lies told by stations to the audience they love to deceive. Along with:

We play the most music, we play your favorite music, another cool song up next (after 7 minutes of mind numbing commercials).

The list goes on here at the new....
They could change it to, "The New Rock 93"!
And of course, we all love the "contemporary oldies" format.
It's great hearing the only two Led Zeppelin songs ever recorded. There were only two right? I mean they'd certainly play more of their stuff if they had written more songs. Oh, they did?
Some stations with "New" branded into their names included "new" into their registered web domains. Some people just don't look at things from every angle. If THAT is the case... think: for a long, long time.
Mike Sheridan said:
We play the most music, we play your favorite music, another cool song up next...
We are from the federal government, we are your friends, and we are here to help you.
I will only...half way...and I promise not to...in your mouth...
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