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The Old Y-100 and S Fla Radio in the 80s



I'm sure this was brought up as a topic in the past, so my apologies for any repeat. I lived in S Fla up to 1997 but to this day I recall how much I enjoyed S Fla radio in the early 80s.

In particular, I thought "Tanner in the Morning" on Y-100 was one fantastic show. I know he had some "problems" with the law and then wasn't on the radio anymore. Where did he wind up? How is he doing? The newsguy, Jim Reely (sp?) was a hoot with all his voices and characters. To this day, I think it was the best morning show ever on FM.

I know Don Cox and Crammer are no longer with us. I remember Robert W. Walker, the Madame and Kid Curry. Are they still in radio?

Down the dial on the old WAXY 106, I remember Greg Budell sounded so insecure. Many in radio tend to be but every once in a while I listened to Greg and I thought he was pretty good. Is he still in S Fla? What about his side-kick, Don Agony?

I guess I can go on and on but I also enjoyed Sonny Fox and Ron Hersey in their various stints including Majic 102.7.

It's nice to have memories of when radio stations actually had personality and sounded unique for their respective markets. Any updates would be appreciated. Thanks!
Kid Curry, from what I have read, is in Colorado and not currently working in radio. I might be mistaken, but there might have been a post about him on this board a few months back.
Does anyone have any taped airchecks from Y100 during the 80's? might be interested to hear the music and commercials that were being played.

> I'm sure this was brought up as a topic in the past, so my
> apologies for any repeat. I lived in S Fla up to 1997 but
> to this day I recall how much I enjoyed S Fla radio in the
> early 80s.
> In particular, I thought "Tanner in the Morning" on Y-100
> was one fantastic show. I know he had some "problems" with
> the law and then wasn't on the radio anymore. Where did he
> wind up? How is he doing? The newsguy, Jim Reely (sp?) was
> a hoot with all his voices and characters. To this day, I
> think it was the best morning show ever on FM.
> I know Don Cox and Crammer are no longer with us. I
> remember Robert W. Walker, the Madame and Kid Curry. Are
> they still in radio?
> Down the dial on the old WAXY 106, I remember Greg Budell
> sounded so insecure. Many in radio tend to be but every
> once in a while I listened to Greg and I thought he was
> pretty good. Is he still in S Fla? What about his
> side-kick, Don Agony?
> I guess I can go on and on but I also enjoyed Sonny Fox and
> Ron Hersey in their various stints including Majic 102.7.
> It's nice to have memories of when radio stations actually
> had personality and sounded unique for their respective
> markets. Any updates would be appreciated. Thanks!
> I know Don Cox and Crammer are no longer with us. I
> remember Robert W. Walker, the Madame and Kid Curry. Are
> they still in radio?

Kid Curry was at Power 96 for a while but recently took some time away from radio.

>What about his side-kick, Don Agony?

Don Agony is now doing afternoon traffic for Clear Channel<P ID="signature">______________
Need part-time or weekend production/air talent? Email me</P>
> I'm sure this was brought up as a topic in the past, so my
> apologies for any repeat. I lived in S Fla up to 1997 but
> to this day I recall how much I enjoyed S Fla radio in the
> early 80s.
> In particular, I thought "Tanner in the Morning" on Y-100
> was one fantastic show. I know he had some "problems" with
> the law and then wasn't on the radio anymore. Where did he
> wind up? How is he doing? >>Bill is doing well as he is now a radio consultant for radio stations around the country<<<

> I know Don Cox >>Don was in Georgia visiting his mom & had a heart attack a couple years back<< and Crammer are no longer with us >>I was on the air at Y-100 one weekend nite around 2am when the Broward Medical Examiners office called to see if I knew who they could contact, that Cramer died of a Massive Heart Attack, Naturally, I called his closest friend (since I didn't know his family) Bill Tanner. That happened in the early 90's<<

>I remember Robert W. Walker, the Madame and Kid Curry. Are
> they still in radio? >>Robert W. has his own agency in South Florida and is doing voice-overs as well. Kid is back home in Colorado for reasons I promised not to discuss on billboards. I've known Kid since he first walked into 96X and I was on the air in 1976, so believe me when I say he is doing well and things are good. The Madame from what i've last heard, is doing well in New York City, doing commercials & Voice-over work<<

> I guess I can go on and on but I also enjoyed Sonny Fox and
> Ron Hersey in their various stints including Majic 102.7.>> Sonny is working for XM Satellite Radio<<

<P ID="signature">______________
Stuart Elliott/TOP 40 DJ</P>
"I was on the air at Y-100 one weekend nite around 2am when the Broward
Medical Examiners office called to see if I knew who they could contact, that
Cramer died of a Massive Heart Attack, Naturally, I called his closest
friend (since I didn't know his family) Bill Tanner. That happened in the
early 90s"

March 1990, if I'm not mistaken Stuart. I remember how shocking the news was, and I also recall the folks at Power playing "Thinking of You" by Sapphire for a few years afterwards on the anniversary of his death. It's unfortunate they don't recognize it any longer, but then again, I guess they figure no one in their audience these days would have any idea who he is?

I thought he was the perfect voice for middays, very placid.<P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by jcblanco22 on 02/01/06 04:31 AM.</FONT></P>
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