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Oakland warehouse fire death toll rises to 24, more expected

The death toll in a fire that tore through an Oakland, Calif. warehouse during a dance-music party is up to 24 and expected to rise, officials announced at a press conference Sunday morning.

With only 20 percent of the building searched at this point in a round-the-clock effort, Alameda County Sheriff Ray Kelly says the number of victims will increase. The 24 total includes the nine victims previously announced.

Fire Chief Melinda Drayton says the cause of the fire is still under investigation. "We don't believe we've gotten close to the point of origin of the fire," she says.

The converted warehouse was known as the "Ghost Ship" and has been described as a maze-like warren of artist studios. According to a statement, on November 13 the city received complaints of blight and unpermitted interior construction at the building and four days later a building inspector visited the property and verified the complaint but could not gain access to the building to confirm the unpermitted-construction complaint. The investigation is ongoing.

I'm surprised that more of these disasters don't happen. There's an entire sub-culture built around these weekend dance parties held at unofficial venues because they're available and cheap. And the fact is that holding these gatherings at established venues have also proven to be unsafe, as we found out a few years ago in Rhode Island. It's just one of those things that happen when you put a lot of people together in a place like this.
Apparently this building wasn't just used for weekend raves but had some sort of "offices" and other working spaces inside.


Update 33 People are reported to have died in the fire in Oakland according to ABC News and ABC7 News San Francisco.


Employees of the Building also have allegations of the owner violating city fire codes and permit process.
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Update CBS San Francisco has mentioned that the DA is looking into homicide charges on the building management and owner of the warehouse in Oakland




Now Tenants are revealing other stuff that the conditions were bad at the Ghost Ship in Oakland.

The building was crammed with rugs, old sofas and a garage-sale-like collection of pianos, paintings, turntables, statues and other items that quickly fed the flames.

Mack recalled a jumble of extension cords and heavy musical equipment.

“That place was just a death trap,” she said. “I didn’t think it was going to last this long before it went up or somebody shut it down.”

Mack found the rental in a Facebook ad and paid about $700 a month to live there, along with a security deposit of the same amount and a one-time contribution of about $700 to a fund meant to go toward improvements. She said none were ever made.

“It’s a good example of people taking advantage of people because they had no other options,” Mack said. “People make businesses off scamming people online when they’re looking for a place.”

When inspectors or other outsiders came to visit, she and other residents scurried to hide clothes, bedding and other evidence anyone was living there.

One doorway was blocked, Mack said, because it led to the property of a neighbor who’d been in a dispute with the operators, whom she and other former tenants and friends identified as 46-year-old Derick Ion and his 40-year-old wife, Micah Allison.

“They lure you in with all these promises about what they’re going to do with your deposit and your rent,” she said. “They don’t do any of it. They just party with it.”

Public records show Ion’s full name is Derick Ion Almena and that he has lived in California since at least 1990, mostly in Los Angeles, before moving to Oakland in 2006. Allison spent much of her life in Northern California.

The Satya Yuga Collective, one of two groups affiliated with the space, advertised it as a location for anyone with an open mind.

“Seeking all shamanic rattlesnake sexy jungle jazz hobo gunslingers looking for a space to house gear, use studio, develop next level Shaolin discipline after driving your taxi cab late at night, build fusion earth home bomb bunker spelunker shelters, and plant herbaceous colonies in the sun & air,” its Facebook page advertised.

Neither Almena nor Allison answered telephone calls placed to numbers associated with them. They did not respond to email messages from The Associated Press.

Danielle Boudreaux, a 40-year-old hairdresser, said she became fast friends with the couple when they met eight years ago before a falling out about a year ago over conditions at the warehouse.

Access to the second floor – where there was a room for concerts and a home for the couple and their children – was a rickety, homemade staircase, she said.

“Calling it a staircase gives you the idea that it was a set of stairs. It was not,” Boudreaux said. “It was random pieces of wood put together to create something that you could get up to the top floor on. But it was not what most people would consider a staircase. It was like a jimmy-rigged makeshift staircase. As soon as you stepped on it, it wobbled all over the place.”

Boudreaux said the couple was constantly trying to keep enough tenants to cover the warehouse rent, renting out recreational vehicles that were parked on the first floor as well as other living spaces, and charging for the parties that were held there.

But Alastair Boone, a 22-year-old University of California at Berkeley student who went to the party Friday night with five friends, described what she called a stunning scene that included a larger-than-life wood carving of a Thai god or goddess, when she walked in around 11 p.m.

“It was obvious to me everyone who lives there cared about each other and were invested in a space they made a home,” she said.

Boudreaux said she had a falling out with Almena after telling Allison’s parents and sister a year ago that the warehouse was a dangerous place for the couple’s three children to live.

“I had told her parents explicitly that the warehouse conditions were not safe,” Boudreaux said. “Half the time they didn’t even have running water, let alone heated water. They were using little electric heaters. There was cat (feces) everywhere. Piles and piles of random driftwood that had nails sticking out of it.”

She said Almena continually moved pieces of wood around the space.

“Two weeks later it could be a completely different configuration,” she said. “Even people who knew the building would have a hard time getting out.”


Yes even TMZ is saying that there were other allegations at play prior to the fire.
Oakland should've condemned the building when their inspectors were denied access. The city will be sued, and likely will have to pay, as a result of their failure to enforce code standards.

Wow more crazy stuff on the manager of the artists den in Oakland.

The man who ran the illegal “Ghost Ship” artist enclave in Oakland — where at least 36 people died in a fire on Friday night — was a deadbeat dad who neglected his kids to hold drug-fueled sex parties inside the warehouse, according to family and friends.

A pair of caregivers for Derick Ion Almena’s three children told the Daily Mail that the free-spirited 46-year-old would often leave the youngsters with them for up to five days at a time while he got strung out with his wife, Micah Allison, and gallivanted in Bali and other places.

“They were crazy. I remember having conversations with Micah. She would say, ‘Oh, we danced under the moon, it was this transcendent experience,'” recalled Mariah Benavides, who was just 16-years-old when she started watching Almena’s three kids, ages 14, 8 and 5 today.

“I wouldn’t say they’d disappear without contact. They’d say, ‘We’re going to go and have fun’ and they were going to be gone a bit longer,” Benavides added.

Danielle Boudreaux, a longtime friend of the couple who was also looking after the kids, told the Daily Mail and the Associated Press that Almena and Allison had been raising them like animals.

“It went on for a certain amount of time with me constantly picking the kids up from school, bringing them home to my place, bathing them, feeding them,” Boudreaux remembered. “They all had lice repeatedly. I was picking lice out of their hair. They’d missed 50 days of the first 100 days of school.

“I was confronting him on a regular basis,” she said, noting how “meth was the primary drug of choice” for people who hung out at Ghost Ship.

“I grew up among drug addicts, I knew what was going on I have a hard time with people saying they were just doing art. People were living there, at least 7 or 8 lived downstairs and had trailers like RVs in the building. It was a terrifying place for children, it was a terrifying place for me and I was 18 at the time.”

Just hours after the fire erupted inside his 10,000-square-foot warehouse, where a party was being held Friday, Almena sparked widespread outrage by penning a Facebook post in which he griped about losing everything he “worked so hard for” — without noting the tragic loss of life.

Countless social media users felt he ultimately had no right to say anything about the blaze, especially since his building was the subject a city code enforcement probe at the time, with officials citing complaints about health and safety issues, including a lack of fire sprinklers and a staircase made of wood pallets.

Many have called the warehouse a “death trap” and said Almena’s negligence — combined with his careless drug use and partying — likely played a role in the fire.

“I don’t think it has anything to do with the people who were at the party or even some of the people who lived there,” Benavides said. “I just think he’s just selfish and negligent. He’s always, ‘Me, me, me all I care about is myself.’ He neglected to take any action as far as the safety of the building while having people in there, that’s just total neglect. I think he deserves to go to jail.”

Almena’s father-in-law, Michael Allison, agreed — saying he wanted the self-described “thriller love child of Manson, Pol Pot and Hitler” to be punished to the fullest extent.

“[Almena] needs to be sent away to prison for a long time because he’s a menace, he’s an absolute menace — a plague, a danger,” the dad told the Daily Mail. “He’s crazy, I mean the guy’s completely crazy.”

According to Allison’s dad, the couple had their three children taken away from them last year because of their drug problems. He told the Associated Press that Almena wasn’t a good father, mainly because he was selfish.

“Honestly, I don’t think he is capable of feeling any kind of remorse or guilt,” Michael said. “I’ve never seen him ever really care about anyone else.”

Almena posted on Facebook in May 2015 that he and his wife had been “unable to see the kids for one month as we have been working and looking for the right lawyer as well as fighting extreme depression and an overwhelming longing for our children.”

But they were eventually able to regain custody in July this year following a court hearing in LA, the Mail reports.

“Someone obviously dropped the ball between LA Child Protective Services and the Oakland one,” Allison’s father said. “They were clearly not communicating, there was no follow up apparently.”

Michael claimed one of the biggest reasons he wanted his daughter and his three grandchildren out of Ghost Ship was the fact that Almena frequently transformed the two-story art studio into a drug-filled sex den.

“I have heard stories of sex parties from several different people…used condoms on the floor,” the dad said.

Boudreaux recalled how Allison’s sister one time witnessed a truly horrifying sight at one of the steamy soirees, which involved one of Almena’s kids.

“When she came up she witnessed basically a sex party, basically a huge orgy on the second floor,” Boudreaux told the Mail. “She found the youngest, who was three, chewing on a used condom. She put it in the CPS (Child Protective Services) report.”

The couple was also known to ditch their kids for days on end as they tended to their marijuana plants in NorCal, Michael said.

“They were growing pot for a while in Mendocino,” he said. “They would make a stash of cash and then they would go to Bali. They would stay in Bali for a few months and have somebody watch their kids. And then I heard from friends, that they mainly just did drugs the whole time.”

Family and friends told the Daily Mail that Almena’s children were ecstatic to get out of the Ghost Ship warehouse when child services took them away.

“When the kids were removed and were with family I had called them on several occasions to check on them,” Boudreaux said. “The little boy, who wasn’t even four, said: ‘Thank you for helping us get out of the scary warehouse.'”

Allison’s father told the AP that Almena was in complete control of the building — as well as the vagrants who were living inside.

“He was able to cast a spell on someone in a weird way that I just do not understand,” Michael said, recalling how Almena practically brainwashed his daughter and even talked her out of leaving rehab on numerous occasions.

“[He] surrounds himself with people who are going to treat him like he’s some sort of guru,” Boudreaux told the AP. “He enjoyed having minions around to do his tasks for him and help build this great — he thinks he’s building this artistic empire.”

Almena’s father-in-law said his main concern is now for the welfare of his three grandchildren.

“I am very worried about my grandchildren,” he said. “I assume what’s going to happen is they will be taken again, I hope they will go back to Derick’s sister. She’s completely reasonable person, and Derick’s mom is also down there and she’s a good person. Neither one of them want anything to do with Derick, they are the ones who took the kids before so I’m hoping they will be okay.”

Now other Bay Area artist warehouses are having their issues of having similar fire trap issues to GHost Ship.


Damn I didn't know that there's another owner/investor to Ghost Ship Warehouse in Oakland. The crazy part is that the Bay Area News outlets have been going after the manager Derick Ion for his treatment of the artists in the building and complaints to the city of Oakland and County of Alameda.

The warehouse is owned by Chor N. Ng, said her daughter, Eva Ng, 36. She said the warehouse was leased as studio space for an art collective and not used as a dwelling.

"Nobody lived there," she told The Times, adding: "It was an art collective."

She said she had asked her leaseholders about the issue and been reassured nobody lived in the building. "They confirmed multiple times. They said sometimes some people worked through the night but that is all," she said.

The second floor had two exits, both reached by wooden stairs, she said, adding she believes it also had smoke detectors. She was not familiar with comments by fire officials that the stairs consisted of stacked packing crates.

Ng said her mother felt terrible about the tragedy.
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