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I just happened to actually sit through an entire tv show (How I met your mother) and THE ENTIRE SHOW consisted of multiple scenes with dance music BLATANTLY and CLEARLY playing, and all the songs played were at the least halfway decent! Good melodies and catchy club sounds that would even get your mother bobbing her head. No cheesy monotone super fast trancy stuff with no words! It's funny how things change and are given a "better light" when it becomes the "in, cool thing". It was not too long ago when we had offensive commercials and things causing massive protests, riots and boycotts, because they were preaching that "slower is better".... ;)

Oh, and when I say dance music was playing, I don't mean as background music where you'd need to bring in a team of micro dense super-faint sound analysts to come in and diligently verify that there was actually music playing. No. I mean IN YOUR FACE club dance, where just about all the scenes consisted of multiple times when friends were trying to communicate with each other in a club, but couldn't hear each other because the music was too loud! In other words, they silenced the voices showing only lip movement and HAD DIFFERENT DANCE SONGS PLAYING AT REGULAR MTV-LIKE VOLUME throughout the entire show. Nope, not even watered down pop remixes either, or booty bass, or anything questionable. Real, pure, european-american dance sounds that dance fanatics would appreciate, but at the same time, catchy enough for the "outsiders" to appreciate it as well. The closest it got to pop was near the end when they played the instrumental of Dj Sammy's "heaven", which was fine because that sound was one most people are familiar with, so no one will consider it a "boring, unknown techno instrumental".

Leave it up to Canadian's to cleverly make a decent & original American sitcom, AND somehow find a way to feature dance in it (as if they were intentionally trying to find a way to just play dance hits!). All throughout my childhood, I always dreamed of clever ways to get dance music heard, and one of my slick thoughts was to get some tv show to somehow conveniently slip in dance or uptempo hits. This idea was solidified in my brain some years ago when the show "Sister sister" featured a scene with Tamara pressing play on her cd player then dancing to this song IN the episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWwoRLVrcEE

Only problem with the "How I met Your Mother" episode, though, is that no names were given, so no one will know where to purchase or at least find those dance tunes (unless people think to willingly go to the tv station website and look up the episode..)
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