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From W & J website regarding new tower



Here's a news post on W & J's website

"Some of you have voiced slight "discontent" over results of the "new tower-more power" promises made during the first part of the year. Although the show is heard on KIOL 103.7 now...the engineers are still trying to work out the bugs. We have been promised that no expense will be considered to hone the new signal using the latest in high tech gadgets and gewgaws by the Cumulus engineers (with Billy Ed's help of course)."

Now we all know the real problem with the signal is because it is a r--s---t station. But what else can they do to improve it? It will always encounter problems in areas of the city but is there anything else they can do to minimize these problems? Maybe CW can answer this.
> Here's a news post on W & J's website
> "Some of you have voiced slight "discontent" over results of
> the "new tower-more power" promises made during the first
> part of the year. Although the show is heard on KIOL 103.7
> now...the engineers are still trying to work out the bugs.
> We have been promised that no expense will be considered to
> hone the new signal using the latest in high tech gadgets
> and gewgaws by the Cumulus engineers (with Billy Ed's help
> of course)."
> Now we all know the real problem with the signal is because
> it is a r--s---t station. But what else can they do to
> improve it? It will always encounter problems in areas of
> the city but is there anything else they can do to minimize
> these problems? Maybe CW can answer this.

Wish I could but lets just say, its all hype and W&J are NOT engineers...
they are being fed the story by corporate higher ups at Cumulus (remember the original news release that said the tower would be 25 miles from downtown?? YEAH RIGHT!! Sure turned up there didn't it?? ;) Unless Lew Dickey of Cumulus has a way to bribe the FCC and allow them to move (after spending 3-5 mill on a 2000ft tower??? I think the stockholders would skin him alive), there is no way on heaven, earth or hell that they are going to get more in Houston than what they do NOW....
Unless they somehow get someone to put a translator on or move in from the west a 103.7 for a simulcast.....and that aint gonna happen either!

All I want to know is what are they drinking (or smoking)?? I think I may want to check that stuff out :)
Maybe a lot of the discontent is the poor audio quality from the existing tower. Even if you drove right by the damn thing, it still sounds bad. Perhaps a good quality AM transmitter would have been more appropriate.
> Maybe a lot of the discontent is the poor audio quality from
> the existing tower. Even if you drove right by the damn
> thing, it still sounds bad. Perhaps a good quality AM
> transmitter would have been more appropriate.

Agreed on the quality!! On the weekend, BOTH 97.5 and 103.7 SUCKED...the mic audio is highly clipped....and when music is played, it is AWFUL.....no dynamic range, highly clipped, heavily limited and compressed....if they think this makes a good rock station, they are STUPID!!! I would hate to see what they would do with an AM station (actually, listening to 1450 when in Beaumont lets me know....the HISS on the signal is there ALL the time...even when the audio is NOT there.....so either something is wrong with the transmitter OR someone has some noise getting into the system...either way, that's just PLAIN WRONG!)

Note to Lew Dickey.....if your DOE is doing this, its time to fire him and get a REAL engineer who knows audio and RF! Note to Pat Fant: throw out the old playlists...if you want to be a REAL ROCK station, hire the Music Director from KACC ;) Otherwise I would call KIOL your "somewhat new but mostly Classic Rock" station.....GGEESSHHH

Time for XM!
> Agreed on the quality!! On the weekend, BOTH 97.5 and 103.7
> SUCKED...the mic audio is highly clipped....and when music
> is played, it is AWFUL.....no dynamic range, highly clipped,
> heavily limited and compressed....if they think this makes a
> good rock station, they are STUPID!!! I would hate to see
> what they would do with an AM station (actually, listening
> to 1450 when in Beaumont lets me know....the HISS on the
> signal is there ALL the time...even when the audio is NOT
> there.....so either something is wrong with the transmitter
> OR someone has some noise getting into the system...either
> way, that's just PLAIN WRONG!)
> Note to Lew Dickey.....if your DOE is doing this, its time
> to fire him and get a REAL engineer who knows audio and RF!
> Note to Pat Fant: throw out the old playlists...if you want
> to be a REAL ROCK station, hire the Music Director from KACC
> ;) Otherwise I would call KIOL your "somewhat new but mostly
> Classic Rock" station.....GGEESSHHH
> Time for XM!

Hey guys,
I've been complaining about the signal quality from day one. Ever since my last post about the subject, I have refused to listen to bullcrap. That's why I haven't posted for awhile.
I'm going to wait and hear from you all and we will see if they change the audio quality and the playlist....if not, then I will read when everybody writes their posts about the format change. I can't wait to see how bad they tank in the ratings.


ps...if Cumulus did buy KRBE from Susquehanna and switched the format to rock, then Lew Dickey, IMO, would be put on the list "Top Ten Idiots of the Decade"

CW....don't get bent out of shape.....KIOL is not good and WE ALL KNOW IT!
*XM is great*
It won't make much difference what they do
with the tower. They could put up one that
is 10,000 feet and the FCC would still only
let them cover the area they do now. My
guess is about 1 watt at 10,000 feet. Maybe
one of you engineer types can do the math
on that one for laughs. (and yes I know
you can't REALLY build a 10,000 foot tower)
> It won't make much difference what they do
> with the tower. They could put up one that
> is 10,000 feet and the FCC would still only
> let them cover the area they do now. My
> guess is about 1 watt at 10,000 feet. Maybe
> one of you engineer types can do the math
> on that one for laughs. (and yes I know
> you can't REALLY build a 10,000 foot tower)

I got the perfect signal fix for cumulus that might help in their picture of world domination at least in texas....

Buy KOUL and feed KIOL over it also, cause it would probably be the only way they could get into the market on tropo days:)

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