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Everything popular is wrong: Making it in electro music, despite democratization

Wow VERY INTERESTING article here from a dance music point of view! It even touches heavily on certain aspects of topics I've most recently brought up.

Everything popular is wrong: Making it in electronic music, despite democratization
Not naming any names here (to protect the innocent, even though they are really guilty for being the one who posting the link), but the following link to the article below was posted by SOMEONE on facebook, discussing the "bet times" and the downfalls of the music industry, pre and post world wide web, and how it all affects electronic music.


Now, before you go clicking on that link, I shall warn you that the article is going to be longer than three sentences to an average paragraph length long! The writer delivers the entire presentation all at once, full detail, on one page. He also conveniently has a comments section for any thoughts / opinions regarding the article. Some of those comments will be a bit lengthy, too.

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