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Biggest Ego in Rochester radio/TV???


Inactive User
Who do you think has the biggest ego?

My vote goes to WHAM broadcaster Bob Matthews, who is so self-important, that he allegedly demands special treatment whenever he goes to any sporting/wrestling event,
> Who do you think has the biggest ego?

Oh geesh. I only wish I could state my opinion on this matter, but it would likely get me in trouble. It's not that hard to figure out though, if you know who I am and what I used to do.<P ID="signature">______________
Jack Allen
Rochester, NY News - www.rnyn.com</P>
> My vote goes to WHAM broadcaster Bob Matthews, who is so
> self-important, that he allegedly demands special treatment
> whenever he goes to any sporting/wrestling event,

He helped saddle Rochester with the sports stadium which he promised repeatedly would be self-sustaining. Go figure... it's not.

I would have normally said Bob Lonsberry, but actually when you compare him with some of the national bloviators, he's really quite tame in comparison. His personal website isn't restricted to comments just from him - he lets others say their piece, which is better than how he treats some of his callers who disagree with him.
I can honestly say that the people I know on radio don’t have egos. Maybe because there are so few of them left from the days when I first started in broadcasting back when Lincoln was president.

Now if you want to widen that category to include management, then I could give you a few examples of people who think their s*** doesn’t stink. But since I’m a nice guy, and no longer work in the business, so my opinion doesn’t really matter, then I will keep my comments to myself. But there are some posters and readers who know who I am referring to.

<P ID="signature">______________
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them".</P>
> > Who do you think has the biggest ego?
Hands down: Ray Levato of Channel 10 News.
He's enough of a pompus as* to begin with,..but then--get this-- his personal vehicle has vanity plates which read: TVNEWS-1.
> Ray Levato? How old is that guy? If Gabe retired, Old Man
> Levato should have quit years ago.

Ray's 58
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