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Wild About Animals with Mariette Hartley

Do you know what stations did they air Wild About Animals with the original music, before all FOX stations took over.

WJBK-2 Detroit
KDFW-4 Dallas
WRC-4 Washington D.C.
WTVY-4 Dothan
KIRO-7 Seattle
KUSK-7 Prescott
WLS-7 Chicago
KHOU-11 Houston
WINK-11 Fort Myers/Naples
WNPA-19 Pittsburgh
WYLE-26 Florence
WFTS-28 Tampa
WPGX-28 Montgomery
WLTX-38 Columbus
WGTW-48 Philadelphia

I don't know what other stations did they air it on.
retrosmart said:
Do you know what stations did they air Wild About Animals with the original music, before all FOX stations took over.

I don't know what other stations did they air it on.

Better yet:

Do you know which stations aired "Wild About Animals" in stereo;

What program preceded "Wild About Animals" on each station, and what commericals aired on each station during the airing of the program,

What production music did each of these commericals use,

What tape format did each TV station air this program on (i.e. Betacam SP, 3/4 Umatic, MII, Masking Tape),

What font was the closing credits typed in and what color were those fonts,

Were any of the last names in the credits "Twelvetrees", if so, was that person in any relation to the late actress Helen Twelvetrees,

Were any sloths featured in the program, and did they get a talent fee,

What was Mariette Hartley wearing in episode 3, and who did her makeup, and would this makeup hold up today with HD field cameras,

and if any animals were harmed in the asking of these ASININE QUESTIONS?

Truly, these are the more important questions to ask about this program.
Stitch said:
retrosmart said:
Do you know what stations did they air Wild About Animals with the original music, before all FOX stations took over.

I don't know what other stations did they air it on.

Truly, these are the more important questions to ask about this program.

Stitch: Most of us can appreciate the joke. But I'm afraid the sarcasm may be wasted on the intended recipient. Nice try, though.
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