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What's up with Stephanie Miller on 3WZ?


Inactive User
I think the subject says it all. I'm sure that everyone already knows how I feel about the issue.
Who is Stephanie Miller? I remember a Mrs. Miller, an older woman, who used to sing on the Johnny Carson show but she's been dead for a number of years.
i was trying to figure out who she was too. i think she may have been part time at Beaver103 a couple years ago? Then again, that could be a different Stephanie. anyhow, what's so bad about this Stephanie?
She is a liberal talk show host. 3WZ has her on a tape-delay. I think the show is live sometime during the morning hours, but 3WZ airs it at 10pm. What if someone wants to hear a Coldplay record after 10pm? I guess they won't get it from 3WZ.
After the near bankruptsy of Air America, it's surprising there's still a demand for Liberal Talk Show hosts anywhere in the country.

Although with the ratings WPSU gets, it may be a good move for 3WZ. Speaking of WPSU, I always found it ironic that since NPR can't hack it on their own, and must rely on public funds, they still find time to trash their master, the Federal Government, at any every whim.

What was even more amusing about WPSU, is that while I was at WKPS(the student run radio station @ PSU) we had to raise underwriting b/c Old Main wouldn't fund us. Meanwhile, WPSU, an NPR affiliate, which is subsidized publicly though PSU (a state school, which receives State Funding), had a task force that would scrutinize every sales move that WKPS(90.7FM) made, and then would call us out on the carpet for it. Apparently, they didn't like the competition. Then again, most socialists who work at PSU enjoy regulating everything that has any semblance to capitolism unless of course it benefits PSU.

Anyhow, back to 3WZ, hopefully Stephanie Miller is better than carrying Delilah. Anyone remember that? It was like listening to Mr Rogers on morphine.
Rumor is 3WZ is going all talk! Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
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