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Mid West Clubber

How can I broadcast with a direct feed from my mp3 player or mp3s on the computer,, right now im broadcasting from one computer, into anothers mix feed, is their a better way to do this?
dpwnload a free program called 'MANYCAM" you don't have to have a cam..you can just run the audio broadcast..simple setup,then just turn on your media player, hit broadcast..and there ya go.. ben doing this for 6 months on a live broadcast weekend nights from 7 til midnight with my vintage rock show..google chuck lundi's rock box..i run a mIke througn a seperate mixer, but aLL TYHE MUSIC COMES FROM MY ots PROGRAM..I'VE USED WINAMP ALSO..DOENS'T MATTER..THE MANYCAM PROGRAM AUTOMATICALLY PICKS UP THE AUDIO FEED FROM YOUR PLAYER AND BROADCASTS IT OVER THE WEB..I DONT REALLY UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS, BUT WORKS REALLY WELL//ooppps..sorry for the caps
Im using ustream with an mp3 player plugged into the mic outlet and it works perferctly. Do we owe royalties for this I wonder?
Mid West Clubber said:
Do we owe royalties for this I wonder?


So it looks like ustream is not paying them. Therefore you have to.
If your gonna play - play safe. Ustream is not a go for what you do. Check out
Loud City or live 365 and avoid the legal tangles. Even with a small package you
can get your feet wet for 35$ a month.

Yeah I know this now,,, thats why im off air until farther notice.
I was wondering if somebody would go through the step by step process for broadcasting either stored mp3 files or live audio on Ustream. Any help would be appreciated.
WHY would ANYONE wanna broadcast Internet Radio on USTREAM?? Do you people even realize that UStream is a VIDEO hosting service?

I dunno about some of you folks, but I believe that's called (Last time I checked) Internet TV.

But I could be wrong on that (I doubt it though)

Cheers :D
WHY would ANYONE wanna broadcast Internet Radio on USTREAM well i use the video and audio both on my show..for some crazy reason..my listeners want to see what i'm doing..which is sitting here clicking a mouse, and drinking beer...they like to interact on the chat board as well with all the other listeners, and myself..and..it was suggested as the service i needed by someone else i spoke with about a year ago when i was looking for some sort of site that would allow me to run my little toy station ..plus it's FREE...the sound is excellent, there is no limit on the number of [people that can log on at the same time, the cam is hi def..and again i'm as puzzled as anyone as to WHY they want to watch..but it's been pretty successful from the standpoint of entertaining the over 5000 people that have stumbled through in the last nine months or so..and no..your not wrong...it is internet TV...just has an old rock jock on it playing 30 years of hits...and misses..cheers to you ;)
deltas69 said:
WHY would ANYONE wanna broadcast Internet Radio on USTREAM well i use the video and audio both on my show..for some crazy reason..my listeners want to see what i'm doing..which is sitting here clicking a mouse, and drinking beer...they like to interact on the chat board as well with all the other listeners, and myself..and..it was suggested as the service i needed by someone else i spoke with about a year ago when i was looking for some sort of site that would allow me to run my little toy station ..plus it's FREE...the sound is excellent, there is no limit on the number of [people that can log on at the same time, the cam is hi def..and again i'm as puzzled as anyone as to WHY they want to watch..but it's been pretty successful from the standpoint of entertaining the over 5000 people that have stumbled through in the last nine months or so..and no..your not wrong...it is internet TV...just has an old rock jock on it playing 30 years of hits...and misses..cheers to you ;)

Umm if you want to enhance your broadcasts with video then my suggestion would be to get yourself work station just for the video and run your camera off it connected to USTREAM and run an audio channel off your console to that machine...
i can't explain how what i'm doing works through USTREAM..but it works very well..i have a hd cam plugged into my pc, my mike is though a mixer,also plugged into the pc, and the audio plays though my OTS radio software..i just hit broadcast..and there it all goes in real time..i monitor the audio with headphones off the pc speakers, and that allows me to work the mike without stepping on the music intros..but...i listen to the music'video feed on a second pc here at my console that allows me to monitor the entire feed and see that i'm actually on the air..so to speak..and there is a slight delay due to the upload and download speeds on the signal..
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