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Re: Veggies

> Regular members are occasionally invited but only when
> we're short on fresh game meat.
> COMMUNIST moderators are tolerated but just barely so
> because they tend to resist participating in the work
> but demand a full share of the food and drink. They're
> exempt (having to do with their flavor) from the fate
> of the invited regular members.

Then there are the Marxist moderators, who follow the maxim "Posters of the world, unite."
<P ID="signature">______________


I hope you appreciate this story as much as I did. I think Bob Newhart was one of the funniest guys on tv, but also apparently in real life.

His son tells a story that the whole family went to a restaurant and the waitress arrived to recite the day's specials. As she went down the long list, they grew horrified as they began to realize that every single entree was an endangered species! They din't realize this was the result of Newhart's twisted sense of humor until he could no longer contain himself and the other family members began to notice a small smirk.. he had prearranged the whole act with the waitress in advance. :)<P ID="signature">______________

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts" - late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan</P>
Re: Veggies

> > PS: I eat cheeseburgers on a regular basis. Yummy
> The annual radio-info bbq features burgers, steak, shrimp
> and chicken.
> If you want a salad, go kneel down and have some grass.

When are we having that?<P ID="signature">______________

AOL IM: wnjoldies or jamminoldies105
CBS-FM lives at
Oldies Board co-moderator</P>
Re: Flag on the play!

> Posting of PETA press release with links to PETA
> videos...ten yard penalty from the spot of the foul...third
> down.

Ten yards? It's a fifteen yard penalty and loss of down!

-A<P ID="signature">______________

Re: Veggies

> > PS: I eat cheeseburgers on a regular basis. Yummy
> The annual radio-info bbq features burgers, steak, shrimp
> and chicken.
> If you want a salad, go kneel down and have some grass.

Ooh.. What kind of beer shall I bring? I'm thinking some Spotted Cow or Goose Island Honker's Ale!

-A<P ID="signature">______________

> http://www.pagenews.info/
> Pete Gersten...
> This video is not for the faint of heart - or stomach for
> that matter.
> So do you think that people who eat meat are co-conspirators
> in the murders of these animals?
> Whenever I read this type of article I am reminded of the
> cosmic rule "What goes around - comes around."
> ---
> Every day, hundreds of animals endured unimaginable cruelty
> at this
> AgriProcessors slaughterhouse. Maybe after seeing the fear
> and pain
> on the faces of the animals we captured on videotape, you
> will go
> vegetarian and persuade family and friends to join you."
> http://www.goveg.com/feat/agriprocessors/
> AgriProcessors workers ignore the suffering of cattle who
> are still
> sensible to pain after having their throats slit by the
> ritual slaughterer.
> The animals stagger and slip in blood while their tracheas
> dangle from
> their necks.
> WATCH the five-minute video.
> http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs.asp?video=agri_short
> WATCH the full-length video.
> http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs.asp?video=agri_long

Watching meat being made is like watching an abortion. It's too disgusting and heartwrenching for words and sometimes we question ourselves on why we even allow it to happen.

I agree the way animals are raised and slaughtered desperately needs to change because it IS cruel enough to raise an animal for slaughter without giving it a hellish life while it's on this earth. These tiny stalls they're cooped up in is wrong. Cattle and pigs should have wide open "free range" spaces and as quick and painless a death as possible BEFORE butchering.

But you can't change some facts of life. People love to eat meat. The vegan/vegetarian market, which has tried to innovate meatless "meat" products (Tofurkey anyone?) tend to forget these products don't have the TASTE of meat. In fact, most have a CARDBOARD taste and texture of rubber padding (do these people even compare the taste of their products to the real thing BEFORE they put it out on the market?)

My wife and I tried the vegan life for a year until we just couldn't stand the way everything tasted anymore. It was so bland. I'm a big man that likes to eat big and the portions of this vegetarian food in proportion to taste and money spent just don't add up to value.

There are some Indian and Thai vegetarian dishes I LOVE. But I couldn't eat them ALL the time. I would go crazy without a nice juicy burger once in a while.

The reality is vegetarian/veganism is an accquired lifestyle. Humans are omnivores (can eat pretty much anything.) and no one can be MADE a vegetarian.

This post has all the effect of an anti-abortion poster with dismembered fetuses on it. It's gross and counterproductive and in the end, changes nothing.

<P ID="signature">______________
Seattle Hempfest, August 20-21, Myrtle Edwards Park, http://www.hempfest.org/

[email protected]

Re: Veggies

> Then there are the Marxist moderators, who follow the maxim
> "Posters of the world, unite."

Don't forget the Dysliexic Marxist Moderators: "Posters of the world, untie!"<P ID="signature">______________
Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff.</P>

> Ten yards? It's a fifteen yard penalty and loss of down!

Loss of down?

Loss of DOWN?

Good grief! If you stripped the DOWN off chicken little
we'd need PETA to gather up the troops to knit little
jackets out of polyester to keep it warm. But there's
little warmth in polyester...think they'd donate their
own hair instead of shearing a sheep for some wool?<P ID="signature">______________
Yes, and even the fleas on their children's pets and the cockroaches under their sinks.</P>

> >> I prefer the flesh of animals I kill myself.
> Ah, yes. Roadkill roast with garnished with pan-fried
> cockroach.

Roadkill moose or caribou are really fine. No roaches
where those critters grow, so we have to garnish with
old cigarette butts. Reindeer will do, in a pinch, but
you gotta get rid of the ear-tags 'cause they stick in
your teeth AND they make it possible for the herder
to identify their animals and demand payment.

I hear drivers in France have to be real careful about
running over frogs. First, to be sure they're the
amphibian kind...but also to aim for the head so the
legs aren't damaged.<P ID="signature">______________
Yes, and even the fleas on their children's pets and the cockroaches under their sinks.</P>
You apparently never watched nature shows? I can't imagine running your legs off only to be suffocated to death by a lion is fun either. Two steaks for me tonight!<P ID="signature">______________
Soon to set the world record for recieving Nigerian scam and phising e-mails!</P>
> This post has all the effect of an anti-abortion poster with
> dismembered fetuses on it. It's gross and counterproductive
> and in the end, changes nothing.

As I recall the point of those posters was to illustrate what abortion really results in; and never to forget it. You obviously didn't forget it, so they apparently worked in your case.
Re: Veggies

> Well, let's see.... are worms considered meat? I think
> they're considered animals. They like to consume meat
> themselves, but seem to like veggies too. I say open up the
> can of worms, too. (Just in case any Klingons show up at the
> BBQ)
"Everyone knows Goch (sp?) is best eaten live"<P ID="signature">______________
Proud 2 B a pioneering satellite radio subs¢riber
Ai4i is always on the trailing edge of technology</P>
Re: Veggies

I find it morally acceptable and justifiable to eat carnivores. The carnivore lives by the sword and must die by the sword. An herbivore probably deserves to die by eating plants that defend themselves with poison.

I remember watching cartoon bull fights when I was a kid. It looked like one big happy game for all parties. Little did I know what really happens at the end. How do you folks feel about a bull fighter losing the contest? Do you feel sorry for the guy's family? Do you wish the human had won? Does the bull have the right to defend himself and kill the aggressor, or only to participate in producing a good show. I say, "Viva El Toro".
<P ID="signature">______________
Proud 2 B a pioneering satellite radio subs¢riber
Ai4i is always on the trailing edge of technology</P>
Re: Veggies

> > PS: I eat cheeseburgers on a regular basis. Yummy
> The annual radio-info bbq features burgers, steak, shrimp
> and chicken.

No veal? What are you, a commie pinko nattering nabob of negativism?

> If you want a salad, go kneel down and have some grass.

73s from 954

I'm RSVP-ing right now!!!<P ID="signature">______________
Mike Sheridan's History of WGMA, the Country Giant</P>
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