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Station on 1030 near midnight cutting up WBZ


Inactive User
This is my first post. I started DXing as a kid in the 60s, and I am a former NRC member. On 9/24, a North American station other than WBZ was readable after sunset (only other ones for me were the old KCTA-TX, and a coastal station in the daytime under WBZ when I am in the car at Fire Island). The format was a syndicated show playing 60s and 70s oldies. I believe it was "Classic Hits Radio", but this may have been a promo for an affiliated online radio service. The programming broke for commercial spots about every half hour, but it sounded like national advertisers, and if there was a local ID given, I missed it due to BZ interference. The signal alternately was under, even with, and overtaking WBZ over the course of about 2.5 hours, until I came to the realization that this juke box format would not yield a station ID, so I gave it up at 0130. My location is on Long Island. My receiver is a Sony SRF-59, and orienting the ferrite loop gave me an east-west bearing on the signal; no one other than BZ is licensed in the northeast, so it must have been from the west. I am sure this must be someone who "forgot" to sign-off or to lower their power or change pattern. The following night there was no trace of them. Any ideas?
My vote goes for WEBS in Calhoun, GA. They are licensed for something like 3 watts at night, but I have heard them here in Lexington, KY on top of WBZ many times during late night hours...

Another situation like this I hear VERY FREQUENTLY is an automated country music station on 1090 with no IDs.
All I hear was WBZ; then I turn the loop to null it, I only hear KDKA's IBOC noise and possibly a music station buried under the noise. My guess is it may be the Georgia station since WBGS is daytime only with critical hours.
Speaking of WBZ, I've never heard it down here where it was good enough to identify and didn't know it was actually them in the background but it just came in good, better than the Spanish station that always rules the frequency here and I finally heard their ID.
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