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Password Sharing Is a Federal Crime, Appeals Court Rules

Someone is not seeing the big picture here. Sharing a password is at the behest of the password owner but if sharing the password enables a non-authorized person to access a site or service then it is theft, pure and simple.

Example: I have several email accounts and share my passwords with my wife. This is not a problem because by giving her my passwords I am also authorizing her to use whatever service or site is at the other end in my name. No harm. No foul. However, if I give my next door neighbor my Netflix password I am enabling them to steal a streaming service. Should they do so it is both a crime for me and them. Note that in the Netflix case I would have to also provide my login ID so it isn't just the password at issue here.
Once again, the judiciary is usurping the role of the legislative branch.

If there is good reason to make the sharing of passwords a criminal offense Congress should
debate it and then pass a law. Instead we have a judge creating a new crime out of whole cloth.
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