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NEEDED: More Fornever Threads



This is my opinion and is based on my observations and understanding of the State College, Altoona and Johnstown markets. But it is an opinion I believe others share.


When your business model is to control as many frequencies in a market as possible up to what is FCC compliant and then look for ways to control more, not to serve the public interest but to manipulate a market and squeeze smaller broadcasters out, then more needs to be said.

We need more threads about Fornever. We need more information about what is happening.

There will be a new FCC chairman in the next 18 months and hopefully the FCC will look look into what is happening in some of these smaller markets.

These threads are a way of exposing what is going on.
YES, YES, YES We need more threads. People need to share what is going on.
These radio buys and sales that allow a company to accumulate sticks and then simulcast with other properties does not serve communities.

I think all of these radio station moves need to be looked at more closely by the FCC.
The current chairman has not shown much interest. You are right a new leader of he commission may br what is needed.
i'd like to add to this. I am positive that JFK was NOT assasinated by Fidel Castro, or Lee Harvey Oswald, or the mafia! This was somehow Forever's doing. I know it was Captain Kermit the weather hermit on that grassy knoll!

Furthermore, like Mike Harvey and Dick Bartley are one in the same, I think its quite possible that Hilary Clinton is in fact Carol Logan.

I'd also like to think that Forever is using North Korea as a front for Nuclear testing in Syria.

As a matter of fact, I am quite certain that Forever is to blame for World Hunger.

Guys, I am top of this. I am drafting a letter to my congressman as we speak!
Immature posts as the previous is evidence that the other side of this issue is without a logical reply. You must be suffering from frognutz disease. It comes from kissing too much froglady butt. You may not recover. Try a mint.
jraynar said:
i'd like to add to this. I am positive that JFK was NOT assasinated by Fidel Castro, or Lee Harvey Oswald, or the mafia! This was somehow Forever's doing. I know it was Captain Kermit the weather hermit on that grassy knoll!

Furthermore, like Mike Harvey and Dick Bartley are one in the same, I think its quite possible that Hilary Clinton is in fact Carol Logan.

I'd also like to think that Forever is using North Korea as a front for Nuclear testing in Syria.

As a matter of fact, I am quite certain that Forever is to blame for World Hunger.

Guys, I am top of this. I am drafting a letter to my congressman as we speak!

I'd like to make an additional contribution here if I may. In biblical times it was said that frogs had fallen from the sky, in the form of one of the many plagues cast upon Egypt.

I’d like to think that Forever could have been behind that as well. Thoughts?


As Dave Barry said, "you can only be young once, but you can always be immature." ;D
Mt little helpers are telling me that the Fornever clusters are sufferin' with "where has all our business gone" syndrome. Several large accounts have cancelled. Pressure is mounting on sales people.

People at Hoggy Frog are un happy about GMR getting all the attention and it's competing with Sillyfrog radio.

The staff is so happy that frog legs went to Europe with a "Speshal" friend.

They are hoping that the trip could be extended for a long time. Of course Boy George is doing such a great job filling in from Altoona. He's our huckleberry.

Two cubicles down says that the froggers are appealing the court decision on a non-compete issue against another station owner. The desk across the room says froglegs knows there is no glimmer of hope to overturn the judges decision. So why the appeal? You know why!

So how's that for some new Fornever threads. And there's lots more. I just have to filter it for identifiable source material.
Broadcastress said:
Mt little helpers are telling me that the Fornever clusters are sufferin' with "where has all our business gone" syndrome. Several large accounts have cancelled. Pressure is mounting on sales people.

This can't be true. Their cracked sales staff is telling clients that they MUST buy the Latest New Frog at $25 a shot immediately because there's SO much demand for those precious avails that the price will be $65 when it finally graces the carrier of 101.1. It must be GREAT to be a Forever salesperson nowadays with all those clients clamoring for those scarce unsold spots! Right?
A SHortage of Spots on a station without ratings?

Well if you want cheap spots just wait for the last two weeks of each month Frogg's got em. Matter of fact all the fornever stations have loads of cheap spots at the end of the month. It will be interesting to see what the even lower JOPIP rates are.

Next stop, basement floor. All the lowest cheap rates you could ever need.
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