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Most Liberal and Most Conservitive cities in America.

Re: George Romney

> > Both parties have been taken over by the far-out-there-wacko
> > wings of their consituancies - the Democrats since 1972 and
> > the Republicans since 2000. Until they both get their s#!t
> > together and kick the nutjobs out, a pox on both their houses.
> I use that expression at times myself. Even on this board,
> I'll bet.

I don't normally use it but it fits in this case.

> > (I don't remember Romney)
> He was also a candidate for the '68 nomination. Former
> governor of Michigan and CEO of American Motors (Nash,
> Rambler, etc.). Then he said he'd been brainwashed on a
> fact-finding trip to Vietnam. Killed the Romney campaign
> instantly, just as surely as Howard Dean's hyena howl!!!

I remember who he was but not much about him. From what I do remember (I was 13 in 1968), his candidacy was rather inept.

> BTW, if I remember correctly, Romney might have prompted a
> constitutional challenge if nominated. He was obviously an
> American citizen but he was born in Mexico.

If his parents were American then he's considered a native-born US citizen and could run for President.
Re: The war in Iraq and the politicians running it

> That's why we are free thinkers. Gather as much info from
> many different places, pour over it, and draw your own
> conclusions.

This is why it's good to have a two-party media and newspapers worldwide available online. I believe most of us are smart enough to think for ourselves regardless of what talk-show hosts on both sides of the political spectrum think.

> 'Sheep' really scare me. Blindly following a leader eerily
> reminds me of Nazi Germany. But I really think many people
> have thought things through and see the the war is a
> nesessary evil.

My feeling is that the war in Iraq was necessary. Saddam is in the same league with Hitler, Stalin, Franco, Pol Pot, Castro, Kim Jong Ill, and Mao. He and his sons had to go even if they had no WMDs or had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

But since his overthrow, I believe the Bush Administration is doing the right thing the wrong way. Apparently they didn't learn the lessons of LBJ & Vietnam and are allowing politicians to run the war instead of the Generals. Politicians set policy. Generals run wars.

> My brother is shipping out in September, but it's all good.
> We, his family, are behind him 100%. We aren't heading for
> the ditch in front of Gov. Daniels house.

Godspeed to your brother and I hope he returns safe and sound. Everybody should be behind him and his fellow soldiers even if you disagree with the politics and politicians.

But if one disagrees with those in office or with the war, disagree at the ballot box, not on the streets. Public displays of protest hurt troop morale. That should never be tolerated even though such protests are perfectly legal in a free society. But even though we're in a free society, common sense must prevail. There were people in 1944 that didn't support FDR and his handling of World War II, but they handled it by voting for Dewey, not screaming at Roosevelt and carrying protest signs. FDR did not win that election unanimously.

Those protesters in Crawford need to shut the hell up and get out of the '60s. If they don't like Bush or other Republicans, then work to get them out of office the right way - by voting them out. Anti-war protests didn't work in 1968 and they won't work now.
Misrepresented again

> > And you think that the Roman Catholic Church is the same
> as
> > Christianity? You don't know Christianity.
> Breaking out all the greatest hits with the "Catholics
> aren't Christians" tune.

I didn't say "Catholics aren't Christians". I'm saying that not all Christians are Catholics. There's a huge difference.

> Anti-papist rhetoric = another tell-tale ploy of the typical
> Christian conservative.

Another false stereotype.

> How predictable.

The only thing predictable is another misrepresentation.

> But we're the close-minded ones though **rolls eyes**

If you insist. But to be fair, I don't think you're the only ones.
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