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Hello everyone. I'm posting to inform you now that as the person in charge of this new stream, I have ordered my engineering guy to change the port. I'm am very upset that this has happened, and I personally apologize on the flame war that has resulted below. I was unaware that this was going on. My enginnering guy had aparently worked for Mikeo in the past and had some problems and decided this would be the proper course of action to take. He will not use me to take care of his problems.

I spoke to Mikeo privately to discuss the situation and make him aware of my decisions. What was done is unacceptable and I reversed the situation because of my respect for Mikeo and what he has accomplised over the last few years with Energy 98. I still consider him a friend and will continue to support him, his staff, and his vision of the dance station. Mikeo and I have bounced ideas off each other for almost 2 years now and hope to continue to do so.

I have decided to jump into the world of streaming because of my love and passion for the format and radio. I will try to execute my vision of the format and hope to survive. I'm not saying it will be easy, but I think it's worth a shot. My ultimate goal is to help promote the dance music format which I love so much and have fun while doing it.

Once again, I appologize to all involved and regret this has happened. Thank you for your time, and Mikeo, if there's anything more you would like to discuss, please feel free to get ahold of me anytime, you've got my number.

Will Calder
<P ID="signature">______________
Will Calder
Nine Two Productions, Inc

You're a class act. That's why we'll always be friends. Thanks for clearing it up.

> Will,
> You're a class act. That's why we'll always be friends.
> Thanks for clearing it up.
> Mikeo

I agree...and that being said, LET'S GET THE PARTY STARTED!!!
> > Will,
> >
> > You're a class act. That's why we'll always be friends.
> > Thanks for clearing it up.
> >
> >
> > Mikeo
> >
> I agree...and that being said, LET'S GET THE PARTY

Very Cool! If you had no idea this was happening.. then you were never in the wrong. As an internet broadcaster myself, I have seen other websites STEAL my streams and put them on their site as it was theirs... while I was having to pay for their bandwidth.. and they made money with their banners off my streams.

I know down in the threads below I was a little harsh with words but this has been an everyday problem on Shoutcast and WMA Streams (other stations either cheating or finding illegal ways to up their listener numbers.)

Sorry for the harsh words... everything seems all good now!! Best of luck to your new station!<P ID="signature">______________
30 Channels... 1 Club DOT FM</P></P>
> > > Will,
> > >
> > > You're a class act. That's why we'll always be friends.
> > > Thanks for clearing it up.
> > >
> > >
> > > Mikeo
> > >
> >
> > I agree...and that being said, LET'S GET THE PARTY
> > STARTED!!!
> >
> Very Cool! If you had no idea this was happening.. then you
> were never in the wrong. As an internet broadcaster myself,
> I have seen other websites STEAL my streams and put them on
> their site as it was theirs... while I was having to pay for
> their bandwidth.. and they made money with their banners off
> my streams.
> I know down in the threads below I was a little harsh with
> words but this has been an everyday problem on Shoutcast and
> WMA Streams (other stations either cheating or finding
> illegal ways to up their listener numbers.)
> Sorry for the harsh words... everything seems all good now!!
> Best of luck to your new station!
I too am sorry for what I said, Although most of my posts were too harsh and were deleted by Myself, and One deleted by the Mods. But anyway, good luck, I will continue to inform my friends, and support your station. Sorry I was such an azz. I hope you will except our appologies.
(other stations either cheating or finding
> > illegal ways to up their listener numbers.)
> >
question...... unlike AM/FM/TV with ratings does the internet numbers have any use for them???? I know about having to pay for their bandwith (amd I think it sucks you would have to pay for them and they make money off of you) but can you actually take your listenership to say mc donalds or blockbuster and sell them on advertisement???
> (other stations either cheating or finding
> > > illegal ways to up their listener numbers.)
> > >
> question...... unlike AM/FM/TV with ratings does the
> internet numbers have any use for them???? I know about
> having to pay for their bandwith (amd I think it sucks you
> would have to pay for them and they make money off of you)
> but can you actually take your listenership to say mc
> donalds or blockbuster and sell them on advertisement???

Of course you can.. however, be prepaired to have the ability to give them up to minute stats (meaning if you are doing say a banner ad for them... they need to know banner impression numbers, click thru numbers, click thru rates, etc) - You will never be able to sell ads if you dont have some sort of tracking program for them to check out their stats. The same goes with instream or gateway audio or video ads.<P ID="signature">______________
30 Channels... 1 Club DOT FM</P></P>
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