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Cindy Sheehan vs. Bush -- both nuts.

> > Stop the war or Joan Baez will keep singing!
> Where, oh where, is Al Capp when we need him most?

Actually Les, we need Will Rogers and Walt Kelly (Pogo) just as much as Al Capp....
Sheehan vs. Bush

yeah, right- sitting in their caves watching CNN.

The enemy gets the most comfort and aid everytime they set off a roadside bomb that kills our solders. They get aid & comfort watching us bumble & stumble our way through this war (not the troops- THE PLANNERS). They get aid & comfort watching our cowboy leader tossing out plattitudes about home and freedom to people who can't possibly understand those concepts.

So, nobody should protest any war?
> But Cindy Sheehan's exercise of her constitutional rights IS
> giving aid and comfort tothe enemy.
> > That's become a very effective tool of the far right-
> > disagree with our war and you're helping the terrorists,
> > you're not supporting our troops and you're anti-American.
> Even the extreme right cam be correct once in a while. In
> this instance they are, OldiesCar.
> 73s from 954
Sheehan vs. Bush

couldn't have said it better-thanks.
> This is just another RW spin machine "piece of blather."
> Osama, Zarquwi, and other terrorist leaders do not sit
> watching our media saying "Gee, Im so tired, maybe, ill stop
> attacking...wait...look at the tv, this Cindy Sheehan woman
> doesn't agree with our enemy Bush. Thats great and just what
> I needed to plan more attacks."
> they don't Cindy Sheehan to give them incentive.
> Matter of fact, with the policies Bush has executed...he
> should be accused of helping the enemy.... or giving Osama
> aid and comfort..
> His policies of supporting torture, war profit over
> development in Iraq, lying to the world, alienating world
> allies, and the most offensive, creating a new means for
> terrorists to increase drug traffic in Afganistan by NOT
> supporting the government fully (Karzai can barely controk
> Kabul..the rest of the country is a drug market or warlord
> managed or the Taliban is reforming) and his recent
> "flip-flop" on his defnintion of freedom in Iraq...the
> administration signed on to the Iraqui Constitution that
> defines the country as an Islamic republic - a theocratic
> form of government that he swore was never going to happen
> in Iraq and he regularly criticizes in Iraq...this makes him
> the biggest terrorist helper EVER...hes better than Fonda
> ever was....
> > Even the extreme right cam be correct once in a while. In
> > this instance they are, OldiesCar.
> Yes, they can be right once in a while and ill show you how
> they can.
> These quotes from GOP about Kosovo should show all that the
> GOP has also "flip-flopped" on how to prosecute a war...If
> they were right then, then they should be right in this
> time. You can't let the RW off the hook by saying 9/11
> changed everything..because this is a much messier war that
> Bush created.
> Remember these quotes when Clinton was being attacked by the
> GOP for the war in Kosovo and Bosnia (my comments follow):
> "You can support the troops but not the president."
> ---Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)
> Mr Delay seems to agree with Dems...we hate the C-I-C but
> can support the troops just as he did during the Kosovo war
> and war in Bosnia...
> "Well, I just think it's a bad idea. What's going to happen
> is they're going to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20
> years."
> ---Joe Scarborough (R-FL)
> Gee Joe, could be the same in Iraq...given the nature of the
> hate between the various cultures...hmmmm it could be almost
> the same in Iraq.
> "Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen
> that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter
> have to give up their life?"
> ---Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99
> Mr Hannity doesn't seem to have a problem now with mothers
> and fathers looking for more (think Cindy again) who need
> more than just platitudes from Bush that the mission has to
> be honored by killing more soliders in Iraq. the real
> irony..is that Sheehan is just a bike ride and a pretzel
> away.....Clinton didn't have to go to any funerals in Kosovo
> because there weren't any deaths in Kosovo and a minimum in
> Bosnia.....however Bush will have the hands of 2000+
> soliders and thousands of civilians on his hands for lying
> and manipulating data to get the US into war with Iraq.
> "[The] President . . . is once again releasing American
> military might on a foreign country with an ill-defined
> objective and no exit strategy. He has yet to tell the
> Congress how much this operation will cost. And he has not
> informed our nation's armed forces about how long they will
> be away from home. These strikes do not make for a sound
> foreign policy."
> ---Sen Rick Santorum (R-PA)
> Ask any National Guardsman who has exceeded his time over
> seas. Ask any retired or recently discharged military person
> who is getting letters notifying them that stop-loss policy
> has included them and is now extended to 2031. Tell this to
> the thousands of troops who have no idea when they get a
> break much less get a chance to be sent home....Where is Mr.
> Santorum now?
> "American foreign policy is now one huge big mystery.
> Simply put, the administration is trying to lead the world
> with a feel-good foreign policy."
> ---Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)
> Delay should agree now that the "Iraq mission" is a huge
> joke now, and that Bush continues to morph his reasons for
> the war based on public rejection of the reason de
> jour.....only difference is that Bush's foreign policy is
> not feel-good in any way...its feel bad for all nations that
> deal with our government...except for the poodle, Blair.
> "If we are going to commit American troops, we must be
> certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an
> exit strategy."
> ---Karen Hughes, speaking on behalf of George W Bush
> Karen Hughes said it then. She needs to whisper this in
> Bush's ear once again. The mission is muddled, the goal is
> yet to be conceieved, and of course, stay the course, is not
> a battle plan or an exit strategy. Say it loud, Karen.
> "I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches
> us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This
> administration is just learning that lesson right now. The
> President began this mission with very vague objectives and
> lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these
> questions are still unanswered. There are no clarified
> rules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no
> legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency
> plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program.
> There is no agenda to bolster our over-extended military.
> There is no explanation defining what vital national
> interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war
> when the President started this thing, and there still is no
> plan today"
> -Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)
> Tom keeps hitting them out of the ballpark. Why has he not
> dropped his support for Bush. Flip-Flopper Tom Delay hasn't
> gotten one answer from this administration on these
> issues.....matter of fact, our military is on the brink of
> being completely over-taxed ....he wishes it could get back
> to over-extended.
> "Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the
> President to explain to us what the exit strategy is."
> -Governor George W Bush (R-TX)
> He criticized Kerry as a "flip-flopper", well Georgie boy
> needs to have this argument for himself..because he hasn't
> defined any real strategy. Sad part is that he would lose
> this argument with himself...again and again...what
> leader...NOT!
Re: Sheehan vs. Bush

> couldn't have said it better-thanks.

If either Bush, father or son, had set about resolving the Iraq situation once and for all we'd be sitting safely at home watching ESPN with the water-skiing competition on Lake Iraq. The national response to critics (European and
otherwise) would be just one word..... "NEXT?"

Might not be right but it beats hell outta the death of a thousand cuts!<P ID="signature">______________
God save us from those who would save us from ourselves! P-l-e-a-s-e!!!!!</P>
A blessing for skeet-shooters

> If "we" get the house back........... (quotation marks added for emphasis)

Under that circumstance skeet-shooters can end their colossal wastage of

Instead of shooting at clay pigeons they can bring home the bacon by
nailing a few of the pigs that will darken the skies as they clog the
migration paths of countless birds. That would end "global warming",
too, with the shadows of those thousands of flying pigs keeping excessive
sunlight from turning various gasses into ozone.

I think I've just been given a reason to vote! To help protect our
fragile environment.

But on the other hand, think of the poor birds, crowded out of the porcine
skies. Maybe we could arrange a federal welfare program for them.<P ID="signature">______________
God save us from those who would save us from ourselves! P-l-e-a-s-e!!!!!</P>
And Just Think....

And just think how much of the vituperative comment in the thread below,
my own barbs included, might have been improved by the services of just
one fast-working and prolific abortionist?

What this world needs is a pandemic without vaccine or cure; thin the
damned herd.<P ID="signature">______________
God save us from those who would save us from ourselves! P-l-e-a-s-e!!!!!</P>
either Bush (no, not what it sounds like)

> > couldn't have said it better-thanks.
> If either Bush, father or son, had set about resolving the
> Iraq situation once and for all we'd be sitting safely at
> home watching ESPN with the water-skiing competition on Lake
> Iraq.

You're probably right, but what would you have done differently?

(Other than telling General Schwartzkopf not to stop before he gets to Baghdad.)

73s from 954<P ID="signature">______________
Re: either Bush (no, not what it sounds like)

> You're probably right, but what would you have done
> differently?
> (Other than telling General Schwartzkopf not to stop before
> he gets to Baghdad.)

There currently is NO Lake Iraq on which to have water skiing competition for ESPN to cover.

If Bush, the elder, or Bush the younger, had set out to terminate the situation there now would BE a "Lake Iraq". If the elder had ordered it, instead of sending in troops to die, the waters might only gently glow by this time. I'm not suggesting they should have been nuked back into the stone age. Rather to total oblivion, leaving only a hole for water to rush into.

Alternative: Remove all aircraft from Iran, Iraq, Israel...the entire middle east...build a 50-foot high fence around the whole thing and tell 'em to go at it with what they already have until there's nobody left standing. But don't even fire a shot beyond the fence or the whole thing gets wiped out.

Face it: The animosities in that part of the world are so deep-seated and irrational there CANNOT be peace until there's perhaps ONE person alive. And,
given their track record, I'd bet on that single survivor having a split personality and fighting itself in a mirror. It doesn't matter whether one side or the other is right or wrong. They're ALL insanely full of hatred and beyond any kind of "living together in peace".<P ID="signature">______________
God save us from those who would save us from ourselves! P-l-e-a-s-e!!!!!</P>
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