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Board malcontents

  • Thread starter eggsdannythomas
  • Start date


Ever post something and have some jerk off criticize your point in a nasty way?

Or spelled something wrong and have some little peep squeek correct you?

How about the guys that take all this personally and get angry in their replys.

I bring it up because it makes you not want to participate. I post if I have something relevant or funny to contribute -- that's it. And even if I disagree with somebody I'm nice to them.

But I'm getting sick of people that take things so seriously that they have to be condescending. Or the grammer police.

My reco0mmendations -- get a girlfriend guys.
> My reco0mmendations -- get a girlfriend guys.

My recommendation: Post your gripe ONCE, and once only.

<P ID="signature">______________

There is some kind of glitch that occasionally causes that. It doesn't happen often but sometimes when I hit "continue" it posts more than one time and I have to delete one of them. Maybe we unknowingly hit continue more than once. I think that's what happened because I notice his message has an identically timed mark.

> > My reco0mmendations -- get a girlfriend guys.
> My recommendation: Post your gripe ONCE, and once only.
> My reco0mmendations -- get a girlfriend guys.

Of course, a boyfriend would be fine as well. :)

<P ID="signature">______________

The whole spelling and grammar nit-picking can occasionally get a bit out of hand.
Flip-side: if you can't stand the heat, please stay out of the kitchen.

I think we're mostly big boys & girls here. I know when I see incessant pissing and moaning about the state of radio, corporate, voicetracking, blah blah blah,
I usually challenge those skeptics to put all that negative energy into something
Re: Board malcontents/Ways To Avoid Them

> Ever post something and have some jerk off criticize your
> point in a nasty way?
> Or spelled something wrong and have some little peep squeek
> correct you?
> How about the guys that take all this personally and get
> angry in their replys.
> I bring it up because it makes you not want to participate.
> I post if I have something relevant or funny to contribute
> -- that's it. And even if I disagree with somebody I'm nice
> to them.
> But I'm getting sick of people that take things so seriously
> that they have to be condescending. Or the grammer police.
My response to your questions is YES to all of them.

There comes a time when one should just let these individuals rant and rave because nothing you say, or write, will deter them from continuing their tirades.

So instead of getting upset, I just ignore these people. I’ve found that these types of individuals get more upset if you don’t reply. All they are looking for is reaction. <P ID="signature">______________
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them".</P>
> There is some kind of glitch that occasionally causes that.

yeah, that happens sometimes, i only posted once.

Thanks for all the good advice. The only reason i let it get ot me was because you look forward to reading some good reply and then it's some goof. Thanks again!
Re: malcontents

> The whole spelling and grammar nit-picking can occasionally
> get a bit out of hand.
> Flip-side: if you can't stand the heat, please stay out of
> the kitchen.
> I think we're mostly big boys & girls here. I know when I
> see incessant pissing and moaning about the state of radio,
> corporate, voicetracking, blah blah blah,
> I usually challenge those skeptics to put all that negative
> energy into something

Yeah, like your red-herring new thread about Matt Drudge. Political ranting is so rarely seen on this board. Maybe you should take your own advice.

All I stated was the truth in the post you're referring to- the headline he used for the item was the real red-herring.

You must have missed the numerous Air America threads that are still up and available. All I did was join in.

> Yeah, like your red-herring new thread about Matt
> Drudge. Political ranting is so rarely seen on this board.
> Maybe you should take your own advice.
Re: malcontents

> All I stated was the truth in the post you're referring to-
> the headline he used for the item was the real red-herring.
> You must have missed the numerous Air America threads that
> are still up and available. All I did was join in.

Your reply reminds me of that famous quote from Obi-Wan Kenobe from Star Wars: "What I said was the truth......from a certain point of view" Not even the young Luke bought it. Your idea of the truth is like nearly everyone else's here: it is from a certain (partisan) point of view. You have made no secret as to your politcal tilt and, as such, your critique of Drudge is merely another battle in the area of democratic political ideology. Untainted, absolute truth is rather hard to come by, reserved for perfect beings of which nobody on this board qualifies.

I refrain from participatng in rants against AA anymore. It's useless to waste my time in refuting liberal eggagerations about the network's viability. If it folds, it folds. If AA survives, then so be it; some liberal high-rollers will be poorer for it and have less money to put into the '08 election.
> > There is some kind of glitch that occasionally causes
> that.
> yeah, that happens sometimes, i only posted once.

A suggestion, based on conversations I have had with our system administrator:

Try as best you can to avoid a double mouse-click on the "Continue" button as that sometimes causes the post request command to be executed twice.

I know, from reading your comments, that none of you in this thread are stupidly hitting it multiple times deliberately because of a delay in processing, although that obviously can cause a double post.<P ID="signature">______________

Re: malcontents

> I refrain from participatng in rants against AA anymore.
> It's useless to waste my time in refuting liberal
> eggagerations about the network's viability. If it folds, it
> folds. If AA survives, then so be it; some liberal
> high-rollers will be poorer for it and have less money to
> put into the '08 election.

Well that takes care of another person "calling the kettle black"....thanks for refraining. Im sure we will all benefit from not seeing your hit and run insults about the right....it will be a pleasure not to have to read that anymore

Another malcontent down.....
not me

> Untainted, absolute truth is rather hard to come by, reserved for perfect beings of which nobody on this board qualifies.

***You are right on that point.

However, 2 important reminders:

> I am an Independant and have been for years(in the past, I've voted for Reagan and Bush 41).

> My critique of Drudge was fueled by a headline of his that said DEMS ATTACK BUSH FOR WORKING OUT and when you clicked to the actual story from that link, it was about National Physical Fitness Programs' funding being cut. No Democrat was criticizing the President for working out (but instead pointed out that because he was so dedicated to his own physical fitness one would think he could appreciate the importance of the program). It was obvious the headline for that link was totally intended to inflame the far right- it was totally deceptive and just plain wrong.

I find it amusing you'd choose to take the shot at me under the "malcontents" subject heading. Another clear example of what I was talking about: this pervasive "if you're not for us, you must be against us" Kool-Aid that's being consumed so willingly in this great nation. Disagreement about ideologies is a GOOD thing and it's what's allowed us to freely express our differences.
got you

> I find it amusing you'd choose to take the shot at me under
> the "malcontents" subject heading.

Actually, when I read the title of the thread, you were the first (only) one to come to mind.

> Another clear example of
> what I was talking about: this pervasive "if you're not for
> us, you must be against us" Kool-Aid that's being consumed
> so willingly in this great nation.

But that seems to be your philosophy.

You lump together all the viewpoints you don't like -- repeatedly -- and accuse those who disagree with anything you say of having all of those views you hate.

But intelligent people aren't that formulaic, Oldiescat.

I'll bet you never imagined one could vote for Bush and support the war against terrorism and enjoy Rush (and Alan Colmes but not O'Reilly) and be against both the self-righteous bluenoses of the religious right and the politically-correct marxists of the looney left -- all at the same time!

Oops, forget I said that. It might be too much for a small mind such as yours to absorb.

As for the olde Drudge -- to paraphrase an old saw -- he has a good voice for newspaper!

73s from 954<P ID="signature">______________
Fixing Duplicate Postings

> Try as best you can to avoid a double mouse-click on the
> "Continue" button as that sometimes causes the post request
> command to be executed twice.

Always look after you post. If there are two copies, do this:

  1. View one of the duplicate postings.
  2. Click the Edit link
  3. Click the Delete Post button

If you think this reads like a software manual, there's a good reason.

See if you can guess.

73s from 954

<P ID="signature">______________
have a nice day

Now knowing where you're coming from, such a comment is 100% predictable.

If that's as intelligent a level as you can communicate, all I can respond with is, "please, dry up".

> Oops, forget I said that. It might be too much for a small mind such as yours to absorb.

> Now knowing where you're coming from, such a comment is 100%
> predictable.

In light of your previous inflammatory comments,
your failure to refute or even comment on my points
is entirely predictable.

When you stop saying anything substantial, people stop reading your postings. Your postings pretty much amount to "nyaah nyaah" after the initial stone-throwing, per your Drudge stuff.

<table cellpadding=10 align=right border=2 bgcolor=yellow width=300><tr><td>I'll bet you didn't even read what I said about Drudge. Had you read it, you might have grinned:
<blockquote>As for the olde Drudge -- to paraphrase an old saw -- he has a good voice for newspaper!</blockquote></td></table>

You lump together all the viewpoints you don't like -- repeatedly -- and accuse those who disagree with anything you say of having all of those views you hate.

But intelligent people aren't that formulaic, Oldiescat.

I'll bet you never imagined one could vote for Bush and support the war against terrorism and enjoy Rush (and Michael Medved & Alan Colmes but not Beck or O'Reilly) and be against both the self-righteous bluenoses of the religious right and the politically-correct marxists of the looney left -- all at the same time!

You accuse other people of having the "if you're not for us, you must be against us" attitude. But that seems to be your philosophy.

Instead of intelligently commenting on the issues, you throw stones and say dumb stuff like "Now knowing where you're coming from, such a comment is 100%

Are you smart enough to comment on what I said, Oldiescat?

73s from 954

<P ID="signature">______________
But aren't you empowered KM...

To remove a duplicate Post, as easy as wiping one out, or, let's see, yes I've got it, returning an email? How was the DVD??

> A suggestion, based on conversations I have had with our
> system administrator:
> Try as best you can to avoid a double mouse-click on the
> "Continue" button as that sometimes causes the post request
> command to be executed twice.
> I know, from reading your comments, that none of you in this
> thread are stupidly hitting it multiple times deliberately
> because of a delay in processing, although that obviously
> can cause a double post.

I'm certainly not stupid enough to take your bait.

> Are you smart enough to comment on what I said, Oldiescat?
> 73s from 954
This forum is badly, badly in need of the ignore function that every other online forum has had for years. That would stop a lot of the moronic arguments on this site before they start, and as a consequence give the moderators a break from cooling off arguments (or refusing to do so, if one of the agitators is a pal.)

If I could add some of the semi-literate ranters that litter this site to a list of posters to be ignored it would certainly make reading the site much more appealing.
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