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2nd worst night ever on Shortwave band!

When I went to do my SW bandscan, here's what I got. UGH!

60 meters
5000: WWV
The rest of the band was 100% noise and light buzzing.

49 meters
5935: nothing for WWCR
5950: barely Taiwan
5960: Radio Japan, probably the 2nd best station on the whole SW spectrum, pretty weak but kinda stable (UGH)
6000: zilch for Cuba
6010: zilch for Sweden
6030: zilch for Raido Marti
6055: zilch for Exterior Espana, spain
6060: Radio Habana Cuba, barely
6090: Caribbean Beacon, barely a hint of audio
6140: zilch for Cuba
6165: Radio Netherlands, barely a hint of audio
6185: zilch for Radio Educacion, should be strong every night
Rest of band was 100% noise.

41 meters
7365: Radio Marti, audio but wayyy below average
7375: Voice of Croatia, one hint of audio and that was it, should be strong every night too
7405: Cuba gargle with no audio from Marti at all
7505: zilch for WRNO

31 meters
9660: Radio Japan...barely
9680: Taiwan...no audio/barely
9735: Voice of Russia (spanish), only strong signal on the whole spectrum (What the %$&#?)

25 meters
Nothing at all but...static

22 meters
Nothing at ALL

19 meters
15720: RNZI (New Zealand)...very surprising tonight, but weak.

What are the times of your postings? On that date at my QTH in South Central Texas, from 1000-1100 UTC, I was listening to 9580 R Australia, 9740/6195 BBC World Service and 9955 WRMI from Miami FLA. I use a 10 year old RS DX398 with a 30 ft long wire extension. I will admit there was more static than usual. On some nights I can get much more, but it all depends on propagation.
This was about 7-8:30PM local time. About 45 minutes after sunset.

I have a refurbished Yacht Boy 400.
I get Russia on both 5.900 and 9.665 no problem between 8-10pm eastern
Australia on 9.580 at 4am eastern before going to work.
Radio Havana on 6.000 all the time evenings.
Sometimes I think its propagation in certain places.
I hav'nt been on 17 or 20 meters in about 5 years
My fellow hams say hf is bad now despite the cycle 24 arrival?
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