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I have to chuckle everytime I see a post about KFRC. You are negative about Management, Music, Talent, everything that is associated with the station. ARE WE JEALOUS that we dont work there. I love working for KFRC and to me, all of my co-workers do as well. If you choose to call me a hack DJ, thats cool, I have been called worse, but I am one of the few people in this world that has the pleasure of saying the KFRC call letters. What is so funny, I talk with people who post on this website and yet they call me and kiss my ass and tell me how hard they are trying to get into KFRC. People on this website talk about credibility, (That starts with a honest profile), that way, maybe I can take the time and listen to you, or review your programming skills. And if you are truly just a listener of radio, then why would you hide.

Tony Michaels
Weekends KFRC
Call anytime on air.
Re: We're The Listeners, Tony (Remember Us?)

Tony Michaels wrote:

> I have to chuckle everytime I see a post about KFRC. You are
> negative about Management, Music, Talent, everything that is
> associated with the station. ARE WE JEALOUS that we dont
> work there.


Thanks for stopping by, and glad we could make you chuckle. By the way, I'm not jealous. I was just a fan of the "old" KFRC, and I didn't care for the way it was changed. I was expecting more. But I realize that it's my problem (stations change all the time) and I have moved on and changed that button on my car radio; actually, that's two buttons I've had to change recently -- both of the old KFRCs, at 99.7 and 610.

KFRC-FM is a dull, boring, lifeless, colorless station in my opinion. It doesn't play music I enjoy, even though I grew up in the 1970s. Again, my problem, not yours. I'm sure that the station's numbers will skyrocket over the next few books as a result of the new music mix and the influx of new and better air talent, such as yourself.

I appreciate your aggressive approach to this (basically, "I've got a job in radio and you don't, nyah-nyah-nyah"), but I guess you made your point. Sorry that we got on your nerves.

By the way, while we're on the subject ... who are you? Where have you worked? When is KFRC going to put you on its website?


<P ID="signature">______________
Bay Area Radio Museum | Bay Area Radio Digest
Re: We're The Listeners, Tony (Remember Us?)

> Tony,

> I appreciate your aggressive approach to this (basically,
> "I've got a job in radio and you don't, nyah-nyah-nyah"),
> but I guess you made your point. Sorry that we got on your
> nerves.
> By the way, while we're on the subject ... who are you?
> Where have you worked? When is KFRC going to put you on its
> website?
> DJ

Tm replys

Boss and others - I respect what you say and trust me, I am not saying I have a job and you dont - I treat every show like its my last and try to help anyone getting into radio or trying to continue. As for listeners, if you have ever worked with me or know me, then you know I treat listeners like gold. If you ever come to an event that I am at or call me, then you will know this.

The reason I posted - it bothered me that people would put down KFRC - I Love KFRC - I love radio and if I didnt, then I wouldnt care what you wrote.

Background in a nutshell:
1)KSJO (Worked for Jim Taylor - very early 80's)
2)Baseball - Then when I realized I couldn't go to the next level - it was over - I suck
3)Abekas Video Systems - Help start up a company (worked w/Phil Lerza's wife, Chris)
5) KRTY - San Jose 90-99 - Help start the station - MD, Overnights then Nights, then Afternoons, Did very well ratings wise - Got fired in 99
Then onto KYCY, KAT Which I still pull shifts for Bubba and Mojoe, and Now at KFRC....Theres others.....but thats it....

Re: We're The Listeners, Tony (Remember Us?)

> I'm just a listener and a fan of good radio. And I'm NOT jealous that I don't work at KFRC or in radio period. I have a fun job, make much better money (than jocks do these days at any rate), and have job security. But since I'm the one who dissed Mr. Michaels directly, I'll take the heat. Maybe it wasn't nice of me - Tony's probably a great guy - but in my personal opinion, his speech and vocal mannerisms are irritating at best. And he rarely seems to put much thought into his back announcing. Probably seven times out of ten, it's: "Eagles (or name of other group or solo artist) for ya..." His verbal playlist is shorter than the station's. He rarely speaks in complete sentences. I don't think KFRC did itself any favors by firing reasonably talented jocks like Christopher Lance (again - my opinion), and putting the fill-in guys on daily duty. Even the fill-in talent at KFRC used to be much better. Whatever happened to Joe Ike, Sam Van Zandt, or Dusty Rhodes? They sounded just fine when they had the opportunity to move up to weekdays. Sorry - other than Steve Jordan, I think KFRC's "bench" is empty. I'm not a fan of KOIT, but I don't think they have much to worry about.

Tony Michaels wrote:
> > I have to chuckle everytime I see a post about KFRC. You
> are
> > negative about Management, Music, Talent, everything that
> is
> > associated with the station. ARE WE JEALOUS that we dont
> > work there.
> Tony,
> Thanks for stopping by, and glad we could make you chuckle.
> By the way, I'm not jealous. I was just a fan of the "old"
> KFRC, and I didn't care for the way it was changed. I was
> expecting more. But I realize that it's my problem (stations
> change all the time) and I have moved on and changed that
> button on my car radio; actually, that's two buttons I've
> had to change recently -- both of the old KFRCs, at 99.7 and
> 610.
> KFRC-FM is a dull, boring, lifeless, colorless station in my
> opinion. It doesn't play music I enjoy, even though I grew
> up in the 1970s. Again, my problem, not yours. I'm sure that
> the station's numbers will skyrocket over the next few books
> as a result of the new music mix and the influx of new and
> better air talent, such as yourself.
> I appreciate your aggressive approach to this (basically,
> "I've got a job in radio and you don't, nyah-nyah-nyah"),
> but I guess you made your point. Sorry that we got on your
> nerves.
> By the way, while we're on the subject ... who are you?
> Where have you worked? When is KFRC going to put you on its
> website?
> DJ
Re: We're The Listeners, Tony (Remember Us?)

I only know Tony by acquaintance as former co-workers, but I know for a fact that he has a great attitude and treats his listeners and co-workers with respect and consideration, which frankly is not as common as some of us would like to believe, and he does a very good job on-air. I personally am glad that he is on KFRC.

I mentioned before that it is a shame that people don't treat good jocks with the respect they deserve, Tony is included in my list of good jocks. He cares what people think about the station and he posts under his own name on here. Many of us can't or won't post as our "real" selves on here for a variety of reasons, the radio world is very small and anonymity allows us to say things we couldn't say otherwise. I think it illustrates the kind of guy Tony is that he spoke up as himself.
Re: We're The Listeners, Tony (Remember Us?)

I haven't heard Tony because I don't listen to KFRC on weekends - or during the week anymore.

Not really sure what 'kind of guy' Tony is. The fact that he posts as himself could be more about trying to get his name out there and letting management see what a team player he is. Not saying that's bad. However, I would've had more respect for him if he came in as himself and said "KFRC blows!"....Or something a little more gutsy than 'I love KFRC'....

> >Many of us can't or won't post as our "real" selves on
> here for a variety of reasons, the radio world is very small
> and anonymity allows us to say things we couldn't say
> otherwise. I think it illustrates the kind of guy Tony is
> that he spoke up as himself.
Re: Intern at KRTY

I was a former intern at krty, kara, kliv, all based next to the super kmart in san jose on story road, this was back in the days of the cart carosuel and reel to reel voice tracking. I had the pleasure of working with michael mcqurk (sp?) he also does vo for frys electronics and other car dealerships. while I didn't work side by side with tony michaels, I can say that he did make a point to be friendly with all staff including interns, and it was a tight area to work in literally. all 3 air studios were less than 10 feet apart from eachother. I was sad to hear that kara got sold, for what it was worth it was a cool little station. don't know if things have changed much over there except for them probably going digital like the rest of corp. radio, but it was a good place to get my feet wet.
Re: We're The Listeners, Tony (Remember Us?)

There are so many names out there whom you may admire because you think they are great jocks....but I can tell you, there are very few who handle a remote or appearance like Tony does. Some of the big name high paycheck jocks you like are idiots at appearances. They will hide in vans, or tents or wherever and try to just keep away from the people they are supposed to be communicating with(their fans)the whole 2 hours or so they are there. All they care about is the $500 check that is going to appear in their next paycheck just because they stood around for a couple hours. When Tony is there, he works the crowd. And because he is part time, NONE of those appearances are actually paid. Say what you will, but jocks like this are few and far between. If I was in his position, I would be the SAME way.

And as for the coment about how Tony is marginal for coming out as himself, but wishing he came out and said "KFRC Blows",he doesn't feel that way. If you knew him personally, you would know that is not his take on things at all. He is the most positive person at the station from what I can tell. Often times, it is the lowest man on the totum pole that is. All this negativity gets exhausting. I wish there were more class acts in radio like him because in all reality, more often than not the are spoiled and want NOTHING to do with the listener, who is their bread and butter.

> I only know Tony by acquaintance as former co-workers, but I
> know for a fact that he has a great attitude and treats his
> listeners and co-workers with respect and consideration,
> which frankly is not as common as some of us would like to
> believe, and he does a very good job on-air. I personally am
> glad that he is on KFRC.
> I mentioned before that it is a shame that people don't
> treat good jocks with the respect they deserve, Tony is
> included in my list of good jocks. He cares what people
> think about the station and he posts under his own name on
> here. Many of us can't or won't post as our "real" selves on
> here for a variety of reasons, the radio world is very small
> and anonymity allows us to say things we couldn't say
> otherwise. I think it illustrates the kind of guy Tony is
> that he spoke up as himself.
I don't know Tony, have never heard him, don't have an opinion of him or KFRC, a station I don't listen to, but I'll rant this one out on his behalf.

First, good for you for sticking your neck out on this board; that's more than most jocks would be willing to do, and predictably, there's always someone ready to cut your head off. Obviously, that didn't take long.

Second, on behalf of the posters, I wouldn't presume that these people are necessarily jealous. Some might be, I don't know, but they might also wish it was a station worth working at. Some just don't think so.

On the other hand --and I'll say this flat out-- the radio some of you:
    --grew up with

... is dead. Across almost every board on this site, whenever the subject of oldies radio comes up, there's this whiff of nostalgia for radio the way it was in the 70s or 80s or whatever. Get over it. It's done. The audience for that music isn't as financially viable as it once was and oldies stations are simply morphing to stay competitive. To put it simply, among those who complain, a good percentage are no longer a comodity to the radio business. You are the new beautiful music demo.

My guess is that some of that percentage will complain about that observation, perhaps take it personally and then take the perjorative route. My suggestion: get over it and move on: there's satellite, there are vintage tapes, and you can always pop in a CD.

This is no way a slam on KFRC. They may indeed sound like a very different radio station than in the days of Don Rose, but that's plain tough. The station is trying to move on to make a profit. Those of you who love, remember or grew up with these stations in the halcyon days of radio before it became corporatized need to do the same.

There are certainly exceptions to this rule, and an attempt is being made in Sacramento on what was once the traditional oldies station there, but if the market doesn't support it, the station will fail, change again and again, listeners will vent. Certain changes are going to fall terribly flat --many in New York, for instance are hoping exactly that for the old WCBS, which went with the format du jour --not exactly a novel decision, by the way.

The poster who snidely commented "We're the listeners, remember?" --sorry, my friend, but this is corporate radio, not community radio. The board room doesn't care about you. Except when enough of you go away (as said poster did by simply exercising his only power: changing stations).

As for you Tony, and your co-workers, it's great that you all like working there. Here's hoping you all get to enjoy your jobs for a nice long while.
Upon further review, this cranky-pants comment has been removed, with apologies to anyone who may have read it.

Re: Intern at KRTY

> OK - I feel bad now for trashing Tony. He sounds like a great guy. Seriously - I'm not being sarcastic. And it's a reminder for me to be careful what I say about people, because they have feelings. Having said that, all I have to go by as a listener is how the "personality" sounds on the air - and Tony has always grated on me...it's something about his odd speech patterns and the repetitiveness of his announcing. And it's not that he's reading liner cards, because KFRC makes their jocks do less of that than most stations. Finally - I'm aware that the days of legendary Top 40 radio (Dr.Don, etc). are long over. Those days have been gone since the "More Music" early 80s. But jocks still count for something - and they shouldn't be annoying. There are plenty of good jocks still out there, so KFRC should hire some of them.

I was a former intern at krty, kara, kliv, all based next to
> the super kmart in san jose on story road, this was back in
> the days of the cart carosuel and reel to reel voice
> tracking. I had the pleasure of working with michael mcqurk
> (sp?) he also does vo for frys electronics and other car
> dealerships. while I didn't work side by side with tony
> michaels, I can say that he did make a point to be friendly
> with all staff including interns, and it was a tight area to
> work in literally. all 3 air studios were less than 10 feet
> apart from eachother. I was sad to hear that kara got sold,
> for what it was worth it was a cool little station. don't
> know if things have changed much over there except for them
> probably going digital like the rest of corp. radio, but it
> was a good place to get my feet wet.
Re: Intern at KRTY

> > OK - I feel bad now for trashing Tony. He sounds like a
> great guy. Seriously - I'm not being sarcastic. And it's a
> reminder for me to be careful what I say about people,
> because they have feelings. Having said that, all I have to
> go by as a listener is how the "personality" sounds on the
> air - and Tony has always grated on me...it's something
> about his odd speech patterns and the repetitiveness of his
> announcing. And it's not that he's reading liner cards,
> because KFRC makes their jocks do less of that than most
> stations.

Tm Replys:

I want to thank everyone who responded to this post and said cool things about me - Right on - but I also wanted to Thank LKELLER - I didnt look at it as bashing, you gave an honest opinion on how you felt about my skills - I have no problem with that - I will even take what you say and try to work on it ( If I stop learning, means I'm a genius and I dont think thats me) - So I take your words with much respect.

If anyone needs help getting into the biz or looking to continue, dont be bashful to get ahold of me, I hear things and may be able to help or maybe one day you will help me out.

I asked a simple question about who people were, thats all - Thanks for the words positive and negative. Peace - (and yes - I LOVE KFRC)

Tony Michaels
Weekends KFRC
Call anytime on air

PS- Intern at KRTY - Right on - Great place to get the feet wet - Kick some ass in radio
Re: Intern at KRTY

> > > OK - I feel bad now for trashing Tony. He sounds like a
> > great guy. Seriously - I'm not being sarcastic. And it's
> a
> > reminder for me to be careful what I say about people,
> > because they have feelings. Having said that, all I have
> to
> > go by as a listener is how the "personality" sounds on the
> > air - and Tony has always grated on me...it's something
> > about his odd speech patterns and the repetitiveness of
> his
> > announcing. And it's not that he's reading liner cards,
> > because KFRC makes their jocks do less of that than most
> > stations.
> Tm Replys:
> I want to thank everyone who responded to this post and said
> cool things about me - Right on - but I also wanted to Thank
> LKELLER - I didnt look at it as bashing, you gave an honest
> opinion on how you felt about my skills - I have no problem
> with that - I will even take what you say and try to work on
> it ( If I stop learning, means I'm a genius and I dont think
> thats me) - So I take your words with much respect.
> If anyone needs help getting into the biz or looking to
> continue, dont be bashful to get ahold of me, I hear things
> and may be able to help or maybe one day you will help me
> out.
> I asked a simple question about who people were, thats all -
> Thanks for the words positive and negative. Peace - (and yes
> Tony Michaels
> Weekends KFRC
> 1-888-456-KFRC
> Call anytime on air

Good Luck to you in your career may it last and bring many happy memories!
But remember one thing about radio stations they have been this and that to
countless millions over the years. KFRC is and was just another one of them! KFRC heard on AM610, 106.1 or 99.7 wasn't the first and it won't be the last. Radio has had many shinning days and will have many more, but at the end of the day who really cares it doesn't matter to the greater population of listeners!

But it was fun to listen to at the time but what they are doing right now is just a transition format and will never last and KOIT and KFRC will just allow another station to move higher towards the top the same way all the wannabes's in the New/Talk format will allow for many changes at the top of the pack also.
What a horse race it is going to be! Place your bets now! Peace!
> PS- Intern at KRTY - Right on - Great place to get the feet
> wet - Kick some ass in radio
Re: We're The Listeners, Tony (Remember Us?)

>The fact that
>he posts as himself could be more about trying to get his
>name out there and letting management see what a team player
>he is.

SHEESH!! My old PD threatened us with our jobs if we posted on here, and had it blocked from viewing on the studio computer....

But I will give you my respect for coming out on the board...Good luck!
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