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At least in radio when we made asses out of ourselves people didn’t have to look at our faces turning red with embarrassment. For our colleagues on TV it’s a different story.

What I’m referring to is Channel 13 latest “gimmick”, dancing with the local stars. If you haven’t seen this, which I admit I haven’t but have watched previews, the segment is a local version of the ABC series “Dancing with the Stars.” Channel 13 anchors and reporters are teamed up with professionals to compete in a mock dance contest.

I bet those people at 13 participating (or forced into participating) are thanking the rating Gods that their network’s top rated show isn’t swimming with crocodiles or sumo wrestling.

At Channel 8 they already have been copying a top rated CBS program for a number of years. It’s called “Survivor.” Instead of getting kicked off the island, the formula for the show is figuring out who is the next employee to leave the station, voluntarily or involuntarily.

<P ID="signature">______________
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them".</P>
Those anchors at 13 and the radio personalities are very liberal with the term "star" and "celebrity." Between the lame "Dancing" skit and the pathetic cookbook, I really hate the way that the people at 13 try to pass themselves off as "stars."

Granted they are on local television, but they are a far cry from being a "celebrity."
> Those anchors at 13 and the radio personalities are very
> liberal with the term "star" and "celebrity." Between the
> lame "Dancing" skit and the pathetic cookbook, I really hate
> the way that the people at 13 try to pass themselves off as
> "stars."
> Granted they are on local television, but they are a far cry
> from being a "celebrity."
Oh, no my friend...those people at 13 ARE celebrities...just ask any one of them ..and they'll tell you so!
That darn WHAM cookbook!

> Oh, no my friend...those people at 13 ARE
> celebrities...just ask any one of them ..and they'll tell
> you so!

It is pretty sad when WHAM include's 1180 producer Mike DiGiorno and B-team announcer Kevin Roach as celebrities in the cookbook. Does anyone outside of the media even know who they are?

Or worse, was the fact that the CEO's of Dixon Schwabel had their own recipies in the cookbook! I guess that running an advertising agency makes one a "celebrity" in Rochester. What a twisted town I live in!
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