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Stoopid Radio Contest, a wee overboard

Well, you the folks over at KMYI/Star 94.1 are thankful the Wee for a WII didn't turn out the same way as it did on "The End" in Sac.
The contest was held on the same day as the unfortunate wacky morning prank.

It came from a paid service -- will they be included in the lawsuit?
There could be an entire thread on goofy contests of the past.

The KGB School Spirit Contest of the early 1960's had high school students doing absolutely nothing thru weeks of classes but signing their names to petitions to show how much school spirit their schools had.

KCBQ did some promotion (could it actually have involved $50,000???) when they went to 50kw--I think it was one of those Find It contests, and the boys at 690 found it.

The comedy bit on "WKRP" of bombing Cincinnati with turkeys was not so far off the mark.
Lopaka said:
The comedy bit on "WKRP" of bombing Cincinnati with turkeys was not so far off the mark.

That was based on a real incident in Dallas. When I worked briefly for KSON 20 years ago, they had Jefferson Pilot executives in town for a conference and we KSON minions got to join them for lunch. I sat at a table with John King, from Jeff-Pilot in Atlanta (he was the model for the GM on WKRP). WKRP was created by an Atlanta ad guy, Anyway, King regaled us with tales about WKRP's characters and stories, and much of it was based on true life people and situations, including the turkey story. In the real story they station showed up to hand out turkeys at location where several city bus routes came together, so it was crowded with people... people who started fighting over the turkeys as the station employees started passing them our (or tossing them) from the back of a truck. They tried to take them from each other and in the process ripped some of them apart (even though they were frozen).
Jerry Blum was the GM at WQXI who was the inspiration for the WKRP GM, though Jerry was nothing like "the big guy". Herb Tarlick was based on Clarke Brown. The turkey promotion occurred in Atlanta.
RadeoEngineer said:
Jerry Blum was the GM at WQXI who was the inspiration for the WKRP GM, though Jerry was nothing like "the big guy". Herb Tarlick was based on Clarke Brown. The turkey promotion occurred in Atlanta.

My memory does not generally recall accurate details of anything before last Tuesday.
On the subject of Instant Lawsuits...remember "Freeway Roulette", I think it was Shadoe Jackson's bit, at a given signal everybody was supposed to switch lanes. Aah, a tort lawyer's dream! What is Shadoe Jackson up to now, if anybody knows?
Jerry Jackson passed away several years ago. He had an extensive
career after Q, he was PD and eventually General Manager of KOGO.
KOGO was usually overall #1 ahead of both KCBQ and KGB in those
Sorry to hear he's gone, and as well of the death of Perry Allen. Sympathy and condolences to friends and family.
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