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snow? ice? tower? You bet!

Ignoring the amazing for a moment, how on earth did that tower monkey get up there and how many tens of kilowatts of hair dryer did he use to expose that dish?
Wow! Is Right!

That is something else. I'd love to see a pic of the entire tower from a distance.
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The modern "enaerites" of COSMOTE
They have intervened in at least 80 cases since the beginning of the year
Post: 29/2/2012 18:25

At least 80 cases of extreme weather events have intervened since the beginning of the year, COSMOTE technicians to prevent or remedy problems, ensuring stable signals in mobile telephony, according to a statement of the company.

"In cases where the amount of snow has hampered access to base stations, technicians used special vehicles with caterpillar tracks, and there were some cases had to spend part of the distance even on foot. In most cases, the problems caused by ice that had covered the base stations, especially those at high altitudes, "

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