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Mr. Shiloh-Where is AW Pantoja?


Inactive User
This week Neal Boortz, syndicated out of Atlanta, has the 9a-12p slot on KFNC. They're running Boortz promos with him saying that he is a Texas A&M grad and he's finally on the air in Houston and you'll hear him every weekday from 9-12. What happened to AW Pantoja?
Re: Mr. Shiloh-Where is AW Pantoja? WHO CARES?

> This week Neal Boortz, syndicated out of Atlanta, has the
> 9a-12p slot on KFNC. They're running Boortz promos with him
> saying that he is a Texas A&M grad and he's finally on the
> air in Houston and you'll hear him every weekday from 9-12.
> What happened to AW Pantoja?

Who cares? "HE SUCKED!" Adios Amigos! The dude didn't fit in an from day one he sounded like he was trying to hard, along with trying to talk with lose dentures in his mouth. Yea, he may be a legend an a veteran, but not in Houston! Thank GOD! Go back to Chicago!
Re: Mr. Shiloh-Where is AW Pantoja? WHO CARES?

> Who cares? "HE SUCKED!" Adios Amigos!

> along with trying to talk with lose dentures in his mouth.

That is too funny.....LMAO!

From another perspective: Maybe he quit because after less than a month, he figured out along with the rest of us that KFNC blows!

I would say what a waste of a frequency, but the signal is so awful.

Re: Mr. Shiloh-Where is AW Pantoja? WHO CARES?

> > This week Neal Boortz, syndicated out of Atlanta, has the
> > 9a-12p slot on KFNC. They're running Boortz promos with him
> > saying that he is a Texas A&M grad and he's finally on the
> > air in Houston and you'll hear him every weekday from 9-12.
> > What happened to AW Pantoja?
> >
> Who cares? "HE SUCKED!" Adios Amigos! The dude didn't fit in
> an from day one he sounded like he was trying to hard, along
> with trying to talk with lose dentures in his mouth. Yea, he
> may be a legend an a veteran, but not in Houston! Thank GOD!
> Go back to Chicago!
Like AW Pantoja or not, and personally I thought he was pretty good, definitely better than syndicated programming that seems to be the backbone of Houston stations that are Talk. What is the problem with these "decision makers", get rid of the live talent and go syndicated with any old sh!t, we'll save a few bucks. KFNC is already KTRH'ing us. Next will be the newscast at noon, and the News Blocks are better now that they are reporting in a more straight ahead news format and not the mindless banter back in forth. It gives the station credibility as a News source. Mike S screwed up something this morning and a joke was exchanged about his foul-up, that was fine. They are human and the occasional exchange when there is a mix-up shows that the news anchors are human and can turn an awkward moment into a quick laugh and then back to business. It should be done sparingly though. The anchors are all professionals from other stations and have plenty of experience and the flub is rare.

Mike Shiloh you asked for some constructive criticism about KFNC from me, there is one, although I did reply to your post on about page six or seven by now. You don't have to sound old and stale to have a good News station, but you can not have discussion between the anchors on the stories they are reporting, that is not news, but commentary. You can crack the occasional joke when appropriate, such as this morning. Let the personality of each News Anchor show through, that will do more for the station than mindless banter or commentary in a News Block. You have the personnel, let them report with their style, they have the experience to know the proper way to deliver the news. The News Blocks do sound much more like news reporting I can take seriously now.

Mike O
Re: Mr. Shiloh-Where is AW Pantoja? WHO CARES?

I gotta hand it to you Mike, you really put your money where your mouth is by listening to the station -- instead of ignoring it but still making mindless comments like the station "blows" or something. Thanks. Your detailed points are well taken. About A.W., Chatty, I don't know why he left or where he is. Sorry.
Mike Shiloh your input needed

> I gotta hand it to you Mike, you really put your money where
> your mouth is by listening to the station -- instead of
> ignoring it but still making mindless comments like the
> station "blows" or something. Thanks. Your detailed points
> are well taken. About A.W., Chatty, I don't know why he left
> or where he is. Sorry.
Mike are you sure that you are not getting someone elses post confused as one of mine? I just went back four pages to past where I said I would listen to KFNC exclusively for one week, which I did. I can not find any place where I said KFNC "blows" or similiar. I did point out what I personally, one person out of nearly six million, felt what would make KFNC a better station and gave more than ample praise for the changes that have been made to the news and what a great, make that excellent show Jim Pruett has on The FM News Channel, and you will not hear excellent and Houston radio from me very often. The last time those three words, excellent, Houston and radio were used in the same sentence was about KIOL and Wendy Miller and the all night remote from the Houston Museum of Science.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would tell me where I stated that KFNC "blows" since I said I would listen to KFNC for one week.

Apparently I am on your shitlist and if I said KFNC was "the greatest thing since sliced bread" you would say that I said KFNC "blows". I am at a loss here where you have come up with your statement.

You have not answered any of the questions I asked you, after you said if I had any questions feel free to ask.

Mike believe it or not I am on your side, I would love for KFNC to be a succesess, a huge success. Your signal is one of the biggest blocks and I know that you can't do anything about that problem, that I am aware of, unless Cumulus has some pull with the FCC and can get a waiver to move the stations' antenna closer to Houston, much closer. You are already sending out the higest legal limit with the signal now.

I wish you well and please point out where I said the station "blows" or words to that affect.

I am not pleased with more syndicated crap on the air during the day on another talk station. Before you get bent out of shape about "syndicated crap", I consider all large scale syndicated programming crap. There are exceptions, but I believe in live and local! If AW left on his own accord and left the station in a lurch, then a short term syndicated program is what you had to do. Hopefully a return to live and local is on it's way.

Mike O
Re: Mike Shiloh your input needed

I would like to see Dan Gallo back on the air. I listened to him frequently when he was on Kilt. I think he would make a very good talk show host. Kilt made a mistake by firing him.
Re: Mike Shiloh your input needed

Hold on, now, Mike, I was paying you a compliment. The reference to "blows" comes from other posts; "or something" meant that's what a few people other than you are doing.

> > I gotta hand it to you Mike, you really put your money where
> > your mouth is by listening to the station -- instead of
> > ignoring it but still making mindless comments like the
> > station "blows" or something. Thanks. Your detailed points
> > are well taken.

Let me go over your previous posts and look for questions you asked that I may have glossed over because you were making some bigger points about KFNC...
Re: Mike Shiloh your input needed

I second that emotion!

> I would like to see Dan Gallo back on the air. I listened to
> him frequently when he was on Kilt. I think he would make a
> very good talk show host. Kilt made a mistake by firing him.
Re: Mike Shiloh your input needed

> I second that emotion!

Smokey Robinson, cool. And I third. Dan's a class act.

Actually, I was disappointed that Mike O's post fell off the board before you got a chance to reply, and I hoped you'd read it. I thought it was extremely well thought-out and articulated, and his suggestions sounded workable. Since he started using verbs again, you know. :) Can't wait to read any thoughts you might be allowed to share in reply. Count me in as one who sincerely wants to see the station succeed.


> > I would like to see Dan Gallo back on the air. I listened
> to
> > him frequently when he was on Kilt. I think he would make
> a
> > very good talk show host. Kilt made a mistake by firing
> him.
> >
Thank you for your rely Michael. I realize that you had to give a politically correct answer and take the 5th. After all, look what happened to Joanie Maverick when all she did was answer someone's question about the last names of 2 people at her (former) station.
> About A.W., Chatty, I don't know why he left or where he is. Sorry.
Re: Mike Shiloh your input needed

I agree Dan would be great. Gallo ia multi-talented and can work just about any format. I've been knowing Dan since 1975 when I was PD at 920 KTLW in Texas City and he was PD at 1400 KILE in Galveston. We've worked together at KNUZ and many years at KILT.
> Thank you for your rely Michael. I realize that you had to
> give a politically correct answer and take the 5th. After
> all, look what happened to Joanie Maverick when all she did
> was answer someone's question about the last names of 2
> people at her (former) station.
> > About A.W., Chatty, I don't know why he left or where he
> is. Sorry.

Thanks. *grin*

Granted, there's a difference between non-secret everyday info like that, and the details of someone else's departure. I wouldn't expect to hear anything of the sort (ick). Although the uncharitable side of me might say the bar has been recently lowered. :)

In general, I admit to making a couple of radio assumptions. One is that if I don't read or hear, "so-and-so retires from the biz to concentrate on his miniature show-llama farm" or "Dr. Z segues to mornings at K-Roger," then the jock I'm no longer hearing is probably gone. The second is that if they didn't talk about their last day on the air, the jock probably didn't see it coming.

...that doesn't make me a cynic! Just a realist.

I agree. I didn't really expect a complete explanation in answer to my question. I was just wondering what the spin was going to be. Apparently none...yet.

For someone (AW) who was described as a radio legend to have such a brief stay at a brand new station...Oh yes, there's a story there. Eventually something will come out about it.

It was decent of Shiloh to reply though.

> Thanks. *grin*
> Granted, there's a difference between non-secret everyday
> info like that, and the details of someone else's departure.
> I wouldn't expect to hear anything of the sort (ick).
> Although the uncharitable side of me might say the bar has
> been recently lowered. :)
> In general, I admit to making a couple of radio assumptions.
> One is that if I don't read or hear, "so-and-so retires from
> the biz to concentrate on his miniature show-llama farm" or
> "Dr. Z segues to mornings at K-Roger," then the jock I'm no
> longer hearing is probably gone. The second is that if they
> didn't talk about their last day on the air, the jock
> probably didn't see it coming.
> ...that doesn't make me a cynic! Just a realist.
> Best,
> Joanie

> > Thank you for your rely Michael. I realize that you had to
> > give a politically correct answer and take the 5th. After
> > all, look what happened to Joanie Maverick when all she
> > did was answer someone's question about the last names of 2
> > people at her (former) station.
> >
> > > About A.W., Chatty, I don't know why he left or where he
> > > is. Sorry.
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