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KURS 1040



Now that this station is oldies, is there maybe a possibility they could increase to 1kw day and night, for better coverage, and XESDD 1030 could be moved to another frecuency for no co-channel interference.
mteran5 said:
Now that this station is oldies, is there maybe a possibility they could increase to 1kw day and night, for better coverage, and XESDD 1030 could be moved to another frecuency for no co-channel interference.

Why would changing the format to oldies alter the laws of physics and allow KURS to increase power? It has to protect multiple other stations, day and night, and can not increase power at all unless it builds a highly complex and expensive directional system to the East of the market. Early in 1040's history, this was attempted, but apparently the cost and the zoning /environment / land issues made them give up. It sure will not happen now with a miusic format on AM which can not produce any significant revenue.

If the Mexican station were to move, it would be at the order of the Mexican authorities. The US has very little influence on the situation, as has been proven with the Bonilla AMs and the 105.7 FM of recent.
KURS 1040 vs KBZT FM

I think he was asking a more general question of if there was a way for oldies to get better coverage. Likely, most of us don't know the restrictions of the 1040 signal.

Metran, the question you have to be asking is this: Is it worth it to the owners of 1040 to pour money into an Oldies station in the San Deigo market? Whether or not it is on 1040 my guess is not, and that the format they are currently running is just a place holder for now. And, if I'm not mistaken, isn't 1040 just simulcasting a canned network format anyway?

The thing is this: There's a big difference between a 50Kw FM station playing oldies, and a small 1 watter running a canned out of town network.

Riddle me this: Who has mas billing/ratings? KBest 95 circa 1996 or the FM 94/9 of today?
who cares about the billing. It's the profit margin today. If a station brings in 50 million and pays out 49 million ....

If a station brings in 27 million and pays out 17 million, which owner would you want to be.

Real life figures on Sandy Eggo stations.
Its a funny thing, Garrett asks a direct question. Instead of answering his question Garrett
get a lecture. My guess is K-BEST in the early to mid 90's was a bigger biller than 94/9 today.
But someone may have the exact figures.

Billing actually is relevant, Chris. I have seen stations with excellent profit margins, which
yielded very little gross revenue.
G-Dawg knows I wasn't lecturing him.

In today's corporate world, it's the profit. No matter where you are in retail, ownership, or in the media, it's the profit. Unprofitable business don't stay open.
OK lets forget about the oldies format 1040 has, lets say they would have another format that would profit they would still need a good desent signal.

And increasing power to 1040 would be impossible acourding to David E, and I know 1030 XESDD is runed by Bonilla, Cant they instead move 1040 across the border and silence 1030, would that work.
mteran5 said:
OK lets forget about the oldies format 1040 has, lets say they would have another format that would profit they would still need a good desent signal.

And increasing power to 1040 would be impossible acourding to David E, and I know 1030 XESDD is runed by Bonilla, Cant they instead move 1040 across the border and silence 1030, would that work.

Stations can not be moved from one country to another... 1030 is licensed to the Tijuana market in Mexico and 1040 is licensed to the San Diego market in the US. Each country has its own agency that licences stations, and while they coordinate on border areas, they are separate agencies of two different nations; the US does not "run" the SCT.
doublecashkgb said:
Its a funny thing, Garrett asks a direct question. Instead of answering his question Garrett
get a lecture. My guess is K-BEST in the early to mid 90's was a bigger biller than 94/9 today.
But someone may have the exact figures.

Billing actually is relevant, Chris. I have seen stations with excellent profit margins, which
yielded very little gross revenue.

It's the other way 'rond. Gross revenue less expenses yeilds profits. Profits do NOT yield gross revenue.
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