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The same way ClearChannel uses automation and voice tracking to make their jobs easier, I've decided to do an online version of that as well. This way, I don't have to type anything live, yet people still get to enjoy or not enjoy the content as they wish!

Pretty clever, ey? Anyway, originally written live from the Los Angeles section, enjoy the following! ;)

KDM 7000 said:

DavidEduardo said:
I'm wondering if the greater presence of dance or pseudodance on CHRs increases interest in more dance... or satisfies the need and reduces any interest in a more-dance type format.

Well, it may have been temporarily forgotten by most, but it never "went out of style", and still remains relevant today! As a matter of fact, it came in handy during this topic: http://boards.radio-info.com/smf/index.php?topic=190327.0

My question is: Should we (dance fanatics) REALLY continue focusing on the old, traditional dance style format and formula, OR should we have a MEGA SWITCH UP in our beliefs regarding dance and the way things should be done with the sound?

Here's a brief preview of the discussion:

KDM 7000 said:
Saladressing said:
Nick said:
Oh well, looks like both gambling destinations will be losing their dance stations soon.

IIRC if this happened it would mark the first time in __ years that there has been not a single commercial station in the US with the Dance format if you don't count Party FM WPTY.

This brings everything right back to THIS:

KDM 7000 said:
DavidEduardo said:
I'm wondering if the greater presence of dance or pseudodance on CHRs increases interest in more dance... or satisfies the need and reduces any interest in a more-dance type format.

I do have to admit that this question has been tattooed in my brain.
I thought about this once before, but didn't think much of that thought and just let it slip through and out of my mind. But, after now seeing it in writing, this question, for some reason, "strikes me differently" now. I don't think people are seeing the deepness of this question when it comes to formatting because most of us are truly looking at it through a biased lens of wishful thinking, whether it be a wish for more dance or less dance, and then basing our reasoning for why it should be a certain way, based on our own desires.

Ok, let me explain.. Now, wouldn't you think that in a time where dance and electro sounds are increasing, this would result in there being not only MORE dance stations, but the ones that already exist also becoming MORE successful? Wouldn't you think so?

OR, is the whole modern dance trend and uptempo situation counter intuitive to our concrete beliefs?

Is everything that we, or the majority of the dance fanatics are thinking, wrong? Is there some other "dance music dimensional ideas" that we are failing to see here in our one dimensional dance music frame of thought? Let me try to clarify this a bit more; We tend to see things at a basic level then accept it as is (One dimensional / Basic level thinking: "If bla bla bla, then bla bla bla". So, in regard to dance, this translates to "IF electro and dance sounds are becoming more popular, THEN dance music and dance stations should be more successful" BAM! That's it, THE END).

That's what I'd consider "One Dimensional" style thinking. But, there are many other factors that come to play once you step OUTSIDE that dimension, which creates a whole new set of dimensions and possible situations and outcomes that could occur:

"IF electro and dance sounds are becoming popular, THEN dance music and dance stations should be more successful". YES. HOWEVER, you must also consider this: "IF former pop and hip hop artists 'go dance' causing dance to become popular, and chr top 40 and rhythmic radio fully take on and embrace the new dance from former pop artists trend, THEN this could cause older pure dance format styles to fail and lose when compared to and put out to compete with the new chr psuedodance formula".

Do you see where the counter intuitive comes to play here? One situation doesn't cause the reaction and outcome you expected due to an interference from a "third party", creating "another dimension of circumstances" to occur.

So, with that being said, the question is: Should we even continue focusing on trying to successfully create / recreate the old, traditional dance format formula, OR shall we start abandoning those old ideas and start focusing on NEW, innovative formatic ways to get the sound out to the masses through radio? Has CHR top 40 accidentally and unknowingly discovered a temporary technique that most dance programmers haven't figured out? Could we "steal that idea", tweak it a little, then create a whole new idea/formula based off of that accidentally discovered short term formula that could create long term success for the dance community? Could we learn a few things from the way the current dance sounding rhythmics and top 40's are structuring their formats, mixshows, and playlists? Could we learn a few things from rap and hip hop when it comes to long term success? Should we change the way we think and try new things, or remain hard headed with old learned ideas and rituals that used to somewhat work in the past?

Just something to think about.

There are many "dimensional planes" out there. Why stick to just one and remain baffled with it?

DavidEduardo said:
I'm wondering if the greater presence of dance or pseudodance on CHRs increases interest in more dance... or satisfies the need and reduces any interest in a more-dance type format.

That's a hyper-dimensional question. One outcome is a one dimensional mind frame expectation. The other is COUNTER INTUITIVE. But, what would you say if I told you that I believe that BOTH outcomes could coexist? Reread the question, then reread my final statement.


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