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Candidate Larson

Mark Larson opts out of KOGO; closes this chapter of radio at AM 600.
I hope he knows what he's getting into.
And as a radio host, not only is everything he's ever said or done going to open him up to vulnerabilities, in this case its all public record. All his opponants have to do is sift through hours of airchecks.

Otherwise, I wish him l luck.
Interesting.. When KCBQ/KRLA/????? shut down his morning drive gig, he scrounged up the job at KOGO.
How did he talk Clear Channel into that proposal? Replace DR Laura? The experiment failed, and Cliff Albert (apologist for and Err amerika enabler) had to bring back Laura and gave Mark a really bad time slot. And he knew it and the writing was on the wall

The thing that really bothers me, is Cliff Albert.. He can't be a PD of Err Amerika and A right wing station at the same time.. Taking money from the CC cluster to prop up a losing operation borders on criminal..

mr_arbitron said:
Interesting.. When KCBQ/KRLA/????? shut down his morning drive gig, he scrounged up the job at KOGO.
How did he talk Clear Channel into that proposal? Replace DR Laura? The experiment failed, and Cliff Albert (apologist for and Err amerika enabler) had to bring back Laura and gave Mark a really bad time slot. And he knew it and the writing was on the wall

The thing that really bothers me, is Cliff Albert.. He can't be a PD of Err Amerika and A right wing station at the same time.. Taking money from the CC cluster to prop up a losing operation borders on criminal..


And then are his forays into politics being a spokesman [EDIT] for the trailer park he lives in (it's true!) that is fighting tooth and nail not be rased for a new Home Depot...on land that they have owned for a long time!

Cliff Albert is an opportunist....have money...will sound like Ted Baxter....

Cliff had a long stint at KFMB doing a journeyman's job as new director, but I suspect that as a CC PD (or whatever title he has now) he has been allowed to hire the news readers, but beyond that someone else makes the decisions on talk hosts and time slots.

Mark has nothing to fear as far his radio career goes. For one thing. where would political opponents get airchecks of Mark? It's not like he's going to give them to an opponent :) And should something crop up, anyone offended by something Mark said in the past would not vote for him anyway.

Having been Duncan Hunter's local press guy and district field representative, I can tell you that Mark is an excellent choice for that congressional district and should have no problems winning it should he run.
Bob_Hudson said:
Cliff had a long stint at KFMB doing a journeyman's job as new director, but I suspect that as a CC PD (or whatever title he has now) he has been allowed to hire the news readers, but beyond that someone else makes the decisions on talk hosts and time slots.

Mark has nothing to fear as far his radio career goes. For one thing. where would political opponents get airchecks of Mark? It's not like he's going to give them to an opponent :) And should something crop up, anyone offended by something Mark said in the past would not vote for him anyway.

Having been Duncan Hunter's local press guy and district field representative, I can tell you that Mark is an excellent choice for that congressional district and should have no problems winning it should he run.

Unless Duncan Hunter's son is running for the same seat.
What would Mr. Larson's qualifications for Congress be? Does he have any plan to cut the debt to Communist China, and if so, how? How does he propose to get the US out of Iraq, or does he think we should stay, and if so, how many deaths will it take til he knows that too many people have died? Does he want to continue loading up the Supreme Court with Opus Dei members? Does he want to shut down public education and replace it with vouchers so white kids won't be going to school with Brown or Black or Asian kids any more? Does he think not letting the senior drug plan bargain for good prices with drug companies is a good idea, or would he rather save us tax payers $500 billion? Can we expect more tax cuts for the wealthy privileged elite and more financial insolvency and continuing collapse of the value of the dollar? As a conservative Christian how would he deal with gay people--mass murder? Would he ever support separation of church and state, or does he believe the government should function as an arm of his church, much as the Taliban government of Afghanistan functioned? Does he support torture? Would he support observance of the Bill of Rights again, if not now, at least theoretically at some time in the future? Obviously he has a great voice and an engaging personality, but reality counts, too. and knowing his position on the issues might be very helpful.
Also a few years ago on his show he took the opportunity to urge his listeners to buy big, gas guzzling SUV's in response to Governor Davis' suggestion that people buy fuel efficient cars. In light of the deteriorating situation in the Middle East caused by Mr. Bush's attack against Iraq, and rising petroleum prices due to the collapse of the value of the dollar, might Mr. Larson have modified his view on this question? Governor Schwarzenegger has cut his fleet of Hummers from eight to four (wow!), perhaps Mr. Larson has had a similar epiphany.
Ben Ston said:
Unless Duncan Hunter's son is running for the same seat.

I remember when they used to leave Duncan Jr. at the office in El Cajon so the staff could babysit him: it didn't happen often, thank goodness! That kid was a HYPER-active. Apparently he grew up to be somewhat normal. I'll bet he doesn't run, even though his dad served for so many years and his grandfather R.O. Hunter ran for congress in Riverside County (and lost).
Lopaka said:
What would Mr. Larson's qualifications for Congress be?

Members of the House of Representatives must be at least 25, citizens for seven years, and residents of the states which send them to Congress. The states may set additional requirements for election to Congress, but the Constitution gives each house the power to determine the qualifications of its members.

other than that, every thing else is settled in the ballot box.
Dandy Randy Dotinga of the Norte County Times profiled candidate Larson in this week's Preview magazine. http://nctimes.com
Larson knew it was over. He can't generate numbers, period. Hack.
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