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Yemen/Saudi Arabia on SW

Yemen Radio 11935khz perfectly audible in Alaska at 1825UTC Sun Apr. 27th. There's no buzzing roar thats been present over the last few weeks... that was also present back when they were on 11860.

Some folks think its jamming, which is possible... but Saudi has had 9675/9885/15170/15285 off for over a year... 9675 and 9885 reappeared for 2 or 3 days a few weeks ago and are off again.

Something might be up with Saudi's SW operations.
The “roar” is generally believed to be a malfunctioning transmitter. It has been reported that the Saudi Broadcasting Authority has only two SW transmitters currently in operation.

It has also been reported on SWDX forums that the SBA is about to make some decisions on the future of the SW broadcasts, including the possibility of a complete shutdown.
The “roar” is generally believed to be a malfunctioning transmitter. It has been reported that the Saudi Broadcasting Authority has only two SW transmitters currently in operation.

It has also been reported on SWDX forums that the SBA is about to make some decisions on the future of the SW broadcasts, including the possibility of a complete shutdown.

Its also thought to be possible its jamming... i had 11935 just fine and clear just after 1800UTC a week or so ago... and about an hour later the roar was there.
The “roar” is generally believed to be a malfunctioning transmitter. It has been reported that the Saudi Broadcasting Authority has only two SW transmitters currently in operation.

It has also been reported on SWDX forums that the SBA is about to make some decisions on the future of the SW broadcasts, including the possibility of a complete shutdown.
It was always a source of frustration for me and other English-speaking SWLs that the Saudis never had an English service on shortwave. Everything was in Arabic, and most of it was recitation of the Qur'an. I assume it's the same way today.
It was always a source of frustration for me and other English-speaking SWLs that the Saudis never had an English service on shortwave. Everything was in Arabic, and most of it was recitation of the Qur'an. I assume it's the same way today.
Not exactly.,. 2 years ago when they were more active, they had R. Saudi Int'l in a few middle eastern/asian type languages.

Their Quran channel has been gone from 15170 for over a year and even longer from their 11 mhz channels
It was always a source of frustration for me and other English-speaking SWLs that the Saudis never had an English service on shortwave.
They actually did have an English language SW service, but that was many decades ago, and it was not an easy catch in North America. I’d have to plow through some really old WRTH’s for an approximate timeframe.
Everything was in Arabic, and most of it was recitation of the Qur'an. I assume it's the same way today.
They’ve also had general Arabic language programming in the past in addition to the Qur’an service.
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